TSW4100 宽带数字中继器演示套件

名称 TSW4100 Wideband Digital Repeater Demonstration Kit
价格(US$) $1499.00 
TSW4100EVM 描述

The TSW4100EVM is a demonstration system which implements a digital repeater design. The TSW4100EVM contains a complete IF signal chain solution consisting of ADC (ADS5545), DDC (GC5016), DUC (GC5016), and DAC (DAC5688) functions. The TSW4100EVM has three selectable Input/Output frequency ranges of 0 - 80 MHz, 80 - 160 MHz, or 160 - 240 MHz. The design has incorporated a clock distribution circuit (CDC7005), and has an interface and GUI software for filter design, programming, and reading devices on the TSW4100 board with a personal computer. TSW4100 comes with software support for extensive test capabilities. The TSW4100 requires a single 3 Amp 5-6 V DC power source (included).

TSW4100EVM 特性
TSW4100EVM 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器仪DAC 模数转换器产品选型与价格 . xls
TSW4100EVM 相关产品
器件型号 名称 产品系列
ADS5545  具有 LVDS/CMOS 输出的14 位 170MSPS ADC  数据转换器 
CDC7005  高性能、低相位噪声、低偏移的时钟同步器(使参考时钟与 VCXO 同步)  超低抖动合成器和抖动消除器 
DAC5688  具有集成 PLL 的 16 位 800MSPS 2x-8x 内插双通道数模转换器  数据转换器 
GC5016  4 通道宽带 DDC 和/或 DUC  无线基础设施数字无线产品