ADSP-21478 高性能第四代DSP

第四代SHARC®处理器系列现在有了低功耗浮点DSP产品——即ADSP-21478和ADSP-21479 ——具有更高的性能,提供硬件型滤波器加速器、音频和应用专用外设以及支持单芯片解决方案的新型存储器配置。所有器件均相互引脚兼容,且与以前的所有SHARC处理器全代码兼容。第四代SHARC处理器系列的这些最新成员基于一款单指令多数据(SIMD)内核制成,支持32位定点和32/40位浮点算法格式,低功耗特性使其成为电池供电应用或环境工作温度要求较高的应用的理想选择。

ADSP-21478具有极低的功耗和较高的性能——266 MHz/1596 MFLOP——采用BGA和LQFP封装,是第四代SHARC处理器系列中的一员。其低功耗特性使ADSP-21478成为存在低功耗要求的汽车音频和多种工业控制应用的最佳选择。ADSP-21478不但拥有较高的内核性能,而且内置了FIR、IIR和FFT加速器等额外的处理模块,可以大幅提升系统的整体性能。可变指令集架构(VISA)是其特色新功能之一,可使代码减少20%至30%,从而提高存储器的可用性。第四代DSP为16位宽SDR SDRAM提供了一个无缝接口,可以连接外部存储器。

第四代SHARC处理器同时集成应用专用外设,有利于简化硬件设计、减少设计风险并最终缩短上市时间。这些功能模块被称为数字应用接口(DAI),可以相互连接,也可连接通过软件可编程信号路由单元(SRU)连接至外部引脚。SRU是一种新型架构,可在DAI模块间实现完全、灵活路由。可通过SRU连接的外设包括但不限于串行端口、SPI端口、S/PDIF Tx/Rx和8通道异步采样速率转换器模块。第四代SHARC可将来自串行端口的数据通过DMA控制器直接传输到外部存储器。UART、双线接口等其他外设通过数字外设接口(DPI)路由。

  • 266 MHz内核时钟速度
  • 3 MB片内RAM
  • FIR、IIR和FFT加速器
  • 16位宽SDR SDRAM外部存储器接口
  • 数字应用接口(DAI)可实现用户定制访问外设,包括1个S/P DIF Tx/Rx和1个8通道异步采样速率转换器
  • 全面增强的DMA引擎,包括分散/聚集DMA、延迟线DMA
  • 实时时钟(RTC)
  • 8个串行端口(SPORT),支持I2S、左对齐采样对和TDM模式
  • 看门狗定时器
  • 移位寄存器
  • 2个SPI兼容端口,支持主机和从机模式
  • UART和双线接口
  • 16个脉冲宽度调制(PWM)通道
  • 3个全功能定时器
  • 196引脚CSP_BGA和100 ld LQFP EPAD封装
  • 商用、工业和汽车应用温度范围
ADSP-21477/ADSP-21478/ADSP-21479 SHARC处理器 (Rev. C)PDF 1044 kB
ADSP-21477/ADSP-21478/ADSP-21479 SHARC Processor Data Sheet (Rev. C)
Documentation Errata
PDF 1950 kB
EE-112: Class Implementation in Analog C++PDF 31.54 K
EE-379: ADSP-214xx vs ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x - Peripheral Considerations (Rev. 1)PDF 387.74 K
EE-356: Emulator and Evaluation Hardware Troubleshooting Guide for CCES Users (Rev. 2)
EE-356: Associated Files
PDF 779.29 K
EE-357: Static Voltage Scaling for ADSP-2148x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-357: Code Example (Rev 1, 03/2013)
PDF 761 kB
EE-355: Expert In-Circuit FLASH Programmer for SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-355: Code Example (Rev 1, 08/2012)
PDF 1045 kB
EE-352: Soldering Considerations for Exposed-Pad Packages (Rev. 1)
EE-352: Associated Files
PDF 680 kB
EE-346: Using the On-Chip Thermal Diode on Analog Devices Processors (Rev. 2)
EE-346: Code example (Rev 2, 08/2010)
PDF 203 kB
EE-243: Using the Expert DAI for SHARC® Processors (Rev. 7)
EE-243: Code example (Rev 7, 06/2010)
PDF 337 kB
EE-349: ADSP-2146x Board Design Guidelines for DDR2 Memory (Rev. 3)
EE-349: Schematics (Rev 3, 11/2012)
PDF 1037 kB
EE-348: Estimating Power for ADSP-214xx SHARC®Processors (Rev. 4)
EE-348: Power Calculator (Rev 4, 02/2011)
PDF 135 kB
EE-345: Boot Kernel Customization and Firmware Upgradeability on SHARC Processors® (Rev. 1)
EE-345: Code example (Rev 1, 10/2009)
PDF 331 kB
EE-332: 周期计数与分析
EE-332: Code example (Rev 2, 03/2008)
PDF 142 kB
EE-332: Cycle Counting and Profiling (Rev. 2)
EE-332: Code example
PDF 142 kB
EE-299: Estimating Power Dissipation for ADSP-21368 SHARC ProcessorsPDF 188 kB
EE-322: Expert Code Generator for SHARC® Processors (Rev. 5)
EE-322: Code Example (Rev 5, 01/2012)
PDF 742 kB
EE-328: 将ADSP-2106x/2116x 的设计移植到ADSP-2126x/2136x/ 2137x SHARC®处理器系统 (Rev. 1)PDF 0
EE-305: 基于SHARC®处理器的系统设计与调试 (Rev. A)PDF 0
EE-340: SHARC®处理器和Blackfin®处理器的SPI 连接 (Rev. 1)
EE-340: Code example (Rev 1, 07/2008)
EE-285: 从ADSP-21065L 转向使用ADSP-21375 SHARC®处理器 (Rev. 2)PDF 0
EE-175: 仿真器与EZ-KIT Lite®评估系统问题解决指南 (Rev. 10)
EE-175: RMA forms (Rev 10, 11/2007)
EE-68: JTAG 仿真技术参考 (Rev. 10)PDF 306 kB
EE-340: Connecting SHARC® and Blackfin® Processors over SPI (Rev. 1)
EE-340: Code example
PDF 209 kB
EE-320: Implementing an Ogg Vorbis Decoder on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-320: Code example (Rev 1, 06/2008)
PDF 731 kB
EE-120: Interfacing Assembly Language Programs to CPDF
ADSP-21161N SHARC On-chip SDRAM Controller (Rev. EE-163)PDF
EE-323: Implementing Dynamically Loaded Software Modules (Rev. 1)
EE-323: Associated Code
EE-72: Generation Boot EPROMS for the SHARC's EZ-KIT Lite's (ADSP21061 with an ID=001)PDF 200.37 K
EE-329: Running FAT16 File Systems and DOS Commands on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-329: Code Example (Rev 1, 09/2007)
PDF 868 kB
EE-330: Windows Vista Compatibility in VisualDSP++ 5.0 Development Tools (Rev. 1)PDF 276 kB
EE-266: Programming S/PDIF on ADSP-2136x and ADSP-21371 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2)
EE-266: Code example (Rev 2, 08/2007)
PDF 1147 kB
EE-231: In-Circuit Programming of an SPI Flash with SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2)
EE-231: Code example (Rev 2, 08/2007)
PDF 74 kB
EE-328: Migrating from ADSP-2106x/2116x to ADSP-2126x/2136x/2137x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 101 kB
EE-319: Estimating Power Dissipation for ADSP-21375 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 131 kB
EE-318: Estimating Power Dissipation for ADSP-21371 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 131 kB
EE-175: Emulator and Evaluation Hardware Troubleshooting Guide for VisualDSP++ Users (Rev. 14)
EE-175: Associated Files
PDF 183 kB
EE-280: In-Circuit Flash Programming on ADSP-2106x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2)
EE-280: Code Example (Rev 2, 03/2007)
PDF 276 kB
EE-313: Land Pattern Compatibility Between 28x28 MQFP and LQFP Packages (Rev. 1)PDF 41 kB
EE-56: Tips and Tricks on SHARC® EPROM and Host Boot Loader (Rev. 3)PDF 108 kB
EE-84: External Port DMA Modes of Operation for SHARC Processors (Rev. 2)
EE-084: Code Example (Rev 2, 2/2007)
PDF 99.1 K
EE-223b: In-Circuit Flash Programming on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2)
EE-223: Code Example (Rev 2, 02/2007)
PDF 258 kB
EE-253: Power Bypass Decoupling of SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 354 kB
EE-296: Using the UART Port Controller on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2)PDF 114 kB
EE-295: Implementing Delay Lines on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-295: Code Example (Rev 1, 10/2006)
PDF 0 kB
EE-305: Designing and Debugging Systems with SHARC Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 151 kB
EE-303: Using VisualDSP++® Thread-Safe Libraries with a Third-Party RTOS (Rev. 1)PDF 56 kB
EE-290: Managing the Core PLL on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 5)
EE-290: Code Example (Rev 5, 03/2012)
PDF 409 kB
EE-284: Implementing Overlays on ADSP-21160 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-284: Software Code
PDF 323 kB
EE-277: Estimating Power for the ADSP-21362 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 130 kB
EE-286: Interfacing SDRAM Memories to SHARC® Processors (Rev. 5)
EE-286: Code Example (Rev 5, 11/2010)
PDF 1701 kB
EE-278: Interfacing NAND Flash Memory with ADSP-21161 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-278 Software Code
PDF 0 kB
EE-285: Migrating from ADSP-21065L to ADSP-21375 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2)PDF 103 kB
EE-279: Interfacing NAND Flash Memory with ADSP-2126x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-279 Software Code
PDF 1088 kB
EE-222: Interfacing the ADSP-21262 SHARC EZ-KIT Lite Boards to High-Speed Converter Evaluation Boards (Rev. 1)PDF 479 kB
EE-220: Using External Memory with Third Generation SHARC® Processors and the Parallel Port (Rev. 2)PDF 80 kB
EE-273: Using the VisualDSP++ Command-Line Installer (Rev. 1)PDF 96 kB
EE-270: Extended-Precision Fixed-Point Arithmetic on SIMD SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-270 Software Code
PDF 86 kB
EE-250: Estimating Power Dissipation for Industrial Grade ADSP-21262 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 91 kB
EE-264: Interfacing MultiMediaCard™ with ADSP-2126x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-264 Software Code
PDF 975 kB
EE-268: Programming Asynchronous Sample Rate Converters on ADSP-2136x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
ZIP File: Software Code (04/2005)
PDF 2688 kB
EE-230: Code Overlays on the Third Generation SHARC® Family of Processors (Rev. 2)
EE-230 Software Code (4/2005)
PDF 77 kB
EE-267: Implementing In-Place FFTs on SISD and SIMD SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-267 Software Code
PDF 32 kB
EE-261: Understanding Jitter Requirements of PLL-Based Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 90 kB
EE-260: Interfacing AD7865 Parallel ADCs to ADSP-2136x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-260 Software Code
PDF 500 kB
EE-259: Interfacing AD7865 Parallel ADCs to ADSP-21161 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)
EE-259 Software Code
PDF 515 kB
EE-255: Porting PC-Based MP3 Player Software to ADSP-21262 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1)PDF 55 kB
EE-254: Interfacing ADSP-21365 SHARC® PDAP to ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® EBIU (Rev.
EE-159: Initializing DSP System & Control Registers From C and C++ adsp-ts101s
EE-323: Associated Code adsp-21262
EE-151 Software Code adsp-21262
VisualDSP++® 5.0 C/C++ Compiler Manual for SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1.5) adsp-21262
VisualDSP++® 5.0 Run-Time Library Manual for SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1.5) adsp-21262
VisualDSP++® 5.0 Assembler and Preprocessor Manual (Rev. 3.4) adsp-ts101s
VisualDSP++® 5.0 Loader and Utilities Manual (Rev. 2.5) adsp-ts101s
VisualDSP++® 5.0 Licensing Guide (Rev. 1.4) adsp-ts101s
VisualDSP++® 5.0 Linker and Utilities Manual (Rev. 3.5) adsp-ts101s
VisualDSP++® 5.0 Kernel (VDK) Users Guide (Rev. 3.5) adsp-ts101s
VisualDSP++® 5.0 Product Release Bulletin (Rev. 3.0) adsp-ts101s
VisualDSP++® 5.0 Users Guide (Rev. 3.0) adsp-ts101s
ADSP2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile BGA Package, (05/2012) adsp-21478
ADSP-2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile 88-ld LQFP package (05/2012) adsp-21478
ADSP-21477/ADSP-21478/ADSP-21479 SHARC Anomaly List for Revisions 0.0,0.1,0.2 (Rev. H) adsp-21478
ADSP-21479 EZ-KIT Lite® Evaluation System Manual (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21478
ADSP-214xx SHARC® Processor Hardware Reference (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21371
ADSP-2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile LQFP Package (05/2012) adsp-21478
ADSP-2147x SHARC Processor BSDL File 100 pin LQFP Package, (08/2010) adsp-21478
ADSP-2147x SHARC Processor BSDL File 196 ball BGA Package, (08/2010) adsp-21478
Blackfin®/SHARC® USB EZ-Extender® Manual (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21262
Blackfin/SHARC USB EZ-Extender手册,修订版1.1,2012年7月 (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21262
CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.4.0 Assembler and Preprocessor Manual (Rev. 1.8) adsp-21262
CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.4.0 Linker and Utilities Manual (Rev. 1.8) adsp-21262
CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.4.0 Loader and Utilities Manual (Rev. 1.8) adsp-21262
CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.4.0 C/C++ Compiler Manual for SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1.7) adsp-21262
CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.4.0 C/C++ Library Manual for SHARC Processors (Rev. 1.7) adsp-21262
CrossCore® Software Licensing Guide (Rev. 1.5) adsp-21262
CrossCore软件许可指南,修订版1.1,2012年7月(pdf,360 kB) (Rev. 1.4) adsp-21262
EE-069: Code Example (Rev 2, 01/2007) adsp-21262
EE-84: External Port DMA Modes of Operation for SHARC Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-084: Code Example (Rev 2, 2/2007) adsp-21262
EE-103: Performing Level Conversion Between 5v and 3.3v IC's adsp-ts101s
EE-104 Software Code adsp-ts101s
EE-106: Link Port Open Systems Interconnect Cable Standard adsp-21262
EE-109: ADSP2106x : Using 2106x SPORT's as Timers adsp-21262
EE-110: A Quick Primar on ELF and DWARF File Formats adsp-ts101s
EE-112: Class Implementation in Analog C++ adsp-ts101s
EE-116 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-126: The ABCs of SDRAMemories (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
EE-127: The ADSP-21065L On-chip SDRAM Controller (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-128: DSP in C++: Calling Assembly Class Member Functions From C++ adsp-ts101s
EE-132 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-136 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-138: Recommended Handling of Unused ADSP-21161 Pins adsp-21262
EE-140: Using the ADSP-21160 Serial Ports in Multi-channel Mode adsp-21262
EE-141: Benchmarking C Code on the ADSP-2106x and the ADSP-2116x Family of DSPs adsp-21262
EE-148 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-16 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-160 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-166 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-175: Emulator and Evaluation Hardware Troubleshooting Guide for VisualDSP++ Users (Rev. 14) adsp-ts101s
EE-175: 仿真器与EZ-KIT Lite®评估系统问题解决指南 (Rev. 10) adsp-ts101s
EE-175: RMA forms (Rev 10, 11/2007) adsp-ts101s
EE-177: Code Example (Rev 3, 01/2007) adsp-21262
EE-180 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-189: Link Port Tips & Tricks For ADSP-2106x & ADSP-2116x SHARC® DSPs adsp-21262
EE-191 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-194 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-195: Moving from the ADSP-21160M SHARC® DSP to the ADSP-21160N SHARC DSP adsp-21262
EE-199 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-202 Software Code adsp-ts101s
EE-208: Considering the ADSP-21262 SHARC® DSP adsp-21262
EE-209: Asynchronous Host Interface on ADSP-21161N SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-210: SDRAM Selection and Configuration Guidelines for ADI Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-ts101s
EE-212 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-216: Estimating Power Dissipation for ADSP-21262S SHARC® DSPs adsp-21262
EE-219 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-220: Using External Memory with Third Generation SHARC® Processors and the Parallel Port (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-222: Interfacing the ADSP-21262 SHARC EZ-KIT Lite Boards to High-Speed Converter Evaluation Boards (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-223: Code Example (Rev 2, 02/2007) adsp-21262
EE-230 Software Code (4/2005) adsp-21262
EE-231: Code example (Rev 2, 08/2007) adsp-21262
EE-232: Configuring the Signal Routing Unit of ADSP-2126x SHARC® DSPs (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-235: An Introduction to Scripting in VisualDSP++® (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
EE-241 Software Code adsp-ts101s
EE-244 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-246 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-247 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-248 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-250: Estimating Power Dissipation for Industrial Grade ADSP-21262 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-253: Power Bypass Decoupling of SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-254 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-255: Porting PC-Based MP3 Player Software to ADSP-21262 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-259 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-260 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-261: Understanding Jitter Requirements of PLL-Based Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
EE-264 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-266: Code example (Rev 2, 08/2007) adsp-21262
EE-267 Software Code adsp-21262
ZIP File: Software Code (04/2005) adsp-21262
EE-270 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-273: Using the VisualDSP++ Command-Line Installer (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
EE-277: Estimating Power for the ADSP-21362 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-278 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-279 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-280: Code Example (Rev 2, 03/2007) adsp-21262
EE-284: Software Code adsp-21262
EE-285: Migrating from ADSP-21065L to ADSP-21375 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-285: 从ADSP-21065L 转向使用ADSP-21375 SHARC®处理器 (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-295: Code Example (Rev 1, 10/2006) adsp-21262
EE-296: Using the UART Port Controller on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-299: Estimating Power Dissipation for ADSP-21368 SHARC Processors adsp-21262
EE-303: Using VisualDSP++® Thread-Safe Libraries with a Third-Party RTOS (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
EE-305: Designing and Debugging Systems with SHARC Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-305: 基于SHARC®处理器的系统设计与调试 (Rev. A) adsp-21262
EE-313: Land Pattern Compatibility Between 28x28 MQFP and LQFP Packages (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-318: Estimating Power Dissipation for ADSP-21371 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-319: Estimating Power Dissipation for ADSP-21375 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-320: Implementing an Ogg Vorbis Decoder on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-322: Expert Code Generator for SHARC® Processors (Rev. 5) adsp-21262
EE-328: Migrating from ADSP-2106x/2116x to ADSP-2126x/2136x/2137x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-328: 将ADSP-2106x/2116x 的设计移植到ADSP-2126x/2136x/ 2137x SHARC®处理器系统 (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-329: Code Example (Rev 1, 09/2007) adsp-21262
EE-330: Windows Vista Compatibility in VisualDSP++ 5.0 Development Tools (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
EE-332: Cycle Counting and Profiling (Rev. 2) adsp-ts101s
EE-332: 周期计数与分析 adsp-ts101s
EE-340: SHARC®处理器和Blackfin®处理器的SPI 连接 (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-340: Connecting SHARC® and Blackfin® Processors over SPI (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-346: Using the On-Chip Thermal Diode on Analog Devices Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-348: Estimating Power for ADSP-214xx SHARC®Processors (Rev. 4) adsp-21262
EE-37: How to Interface an LCD to the 21xx and 2106x Family DSP's adsp-21262
EE-41: SHARC Link Port Timing Notes adsp-21262
EE-42: C-Programs on the ADSP-2106x adsp-21262
EE-44 Software Code adsp-21262
EE-46: SHARC Internal Power Measurements adsp-21262
EE-47: ADSP-2106x Link Ports - Maximum Throughput adsp-21262
EE-56: Tips and Tricks on SHARC® EPROM and Host Boot Loader (Rev. 3) adsp-21262
EE-62: Accessing Short Word Memory In C adsp-21262
EE-63: Considerations for FLASH PROMS with Timing Requirements adsp-21262
EE-68: Analog Devices JTAG Emulation Technical Reference (Rev. 10) adsp-ts101s
EE-68: JTAG 仿真技术参考 (Rev. 10) adsp-ts101s
EE-70: ADSP-2106x SPORT DTx pins: Is There Potential MCM Data Contention Between Different SHARCs adsp-21262
EE-74: Analog Devices Serial Port Development and Troubleshooting Guide adsp-21262
EE-77: SHARC Link Port Booting adsp-21262
EE-85: Recommended Handling of Unused SHARC Pins adsp-21262
EE-86: Interfacing SHARC 2106x DSPs to PLX 9080 PCI Bridge Chips adsp-21262
EE-98: Using External Bus Arbitration to Group More Than Two ADSP-21065L into a Multiprocessing Cluster adsp-21262
EE-223b: In-Circuit Flash Programming on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-231: In-Circuit Programming of an SPI Flash with SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-266: Programming S/PDIF on ADSP-2136x and ADSP-21371 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-280: In-Circuit Flash Programming on ADSP-2106x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-148: Introduction to SHARC® Multiprocessor Systems using VisualDSP++™ adsp-21262
EE-151: Implementing Software Data Overlays for the ADSP-21161 Using the EZ-KIT adsp-21262
EE-160: Examining ADSP-21160 Link Port Backward Compatibility to the ADSP-2106x Link Ports adsp-21262
ADSP-21161N SHARC On-chip SDRAM Controller (Rev. EE-163) adsp-21262
EE-166: ADSP-2106x EPROM Overlay Support with VisualDSP++ 2.0 adsp-21262
EE-175: Associated Files adsp-ts101s
EE-180: Using Code Overlays from ROM on the ADSP-21161N EZ-KIT Lite adsp-21262
EE-191: Implementing a Glueless UART Using The SHARC® DSP SPORTs adsp-21262
EE-194: Connecting the AD1836A Evaluation Board to the ADSP-21161N SHARC EZ-KIT Lite™ adsp-21262
EE-199: Link Port Booting the ADSP-21161 SHARC® DSP adsp-21262
EE-202: Using the Expert Linker for Multiprocessor LDFs (Rev. 3) adsp-ts101s
EE-212: Connecting the AD74111 Mono Audio Codec Evaluation Board to the ADSP-21161N SHARC® EZ-KIT™ Lite Board adsp-21262
EE-219: Connecting Character LCD Panels to ADSP-21262 SHARC® DSPs (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-230: Code Overlays on the Third Generation SHARC® Family of Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-241: SHARC® DSPs to TigerSHARC® Processors Code Porting Guide (Rev. 1) adsp-ts101s
EE-243: Using the Expert DAI for SHARC® Processors (Rev. 7) adsp-21262
EE-243: Code example (Rev 7, 06/2010) adsp-21262
EE-244: Interfacing Gated Clocks to ADSP-21065L SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-246: Interfacing AD7276 High-Speed Data Converters to ADSP-21262 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-247: Interfacing AD7676 ADCs to ADSP-21065L SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-248: Interfacing AD7676 ADCs to ADSP-21365 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-254: Interfacing ADSP-21365 SHARC® PDAP to ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® EBIU (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-259: Interfacing AD7865 Parallel ADCs to ADSP-21161 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-260: Interfacing AD7865 Parallel ADCs to ADSP-2136x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-264: Interfacing MultiMediaCard™ with ADSP-2126x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-267: Implementing In-Place FFTs on SISD and SIMD SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-268: Programming Asynchronous Sample Rate Converters on ADSP-2136x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-270: Extended-Precision Fixed-Point Arithmetic on SIMD SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-278: Interfacing NAND Flash Memory with ADSP-21161 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-284: Implementing Overlays on ADSP-21160 SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-286: Interfacing SDRAM Memories to SHARC® Processors (Rev. 5) adsp-21262
EE-286: Code Example (Rev 5, 11/2010) adsp-21262
EE-290: Managing the Core PLL on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 5) adsp-21262
EE-290: Code Example (Rev 5, 03/2012) adsp-21262
EE-320: Code example (Rev 1, 06/2008) adsp-21262
EE-322: Code Example (Rev 5, 01/2012) adsp-21262
EE-332: Code example adsp-ts101s
EE-340: Code example adsp-21262
EE-345: Boot Kernel Customization and Firmware Upgradeability on SHARC Processors® (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-345: Code example (Rev 1, 10/2009) adsp-21262
EE-346: Code example (Rev 2, 08/2010) adsp-21262
EE-348: Power Calculator (Rev 4, 02/2011) adsp-21262
EE-349: ADSP-2146x Board Design Guidelines for DDR2 Memory (Rev. 3) adsp-21262
EE-349: Schematics (Rev 3, 11/2012) adsp-21262
EE-352: Soldering Considerations for Exposed-Pad Packages (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-352: Associated Files adsp-21262
EE-355: Expert In-Circuit FLASH Programmer for SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-355: Code Example (Rev 1, 08/2012) adsp-21262
EE-356: Emulator and Evaluation Hardware Troubleshooting Guide for CCES Users (Rev. 2) adsp-ts101s
EE-356: Associated Files adsp-ts101s
EE-357: Static Voltage Scaling for ADSP-2148x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-357: Code Example (Rev 1, 03/2013) adsp-21262
EE-379: ADSP-214xx vs ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x - Peripheral Considerations (Rev. 1) adsp-21469
EE-72: Generation Boot EPROMS for the SHARC's EZ-KIT Lite's (ADSP21061 with an ID=001) adsp-21262
EE-69: Understanding and Using Linker Description Files on SHARC Processors (Rev. 2) adsp-21262
EE-104: Setting Up Streams with the VisualDSP Debugger adsp-ts101s
EE-116: SHARC Shortword DMA adsp-21262
EE-120: Interfacing Assembly Language Programs to C adsp-ts101s
EE-132: Placing C Code and Data Modules in SHARC memory using VisualDSP++™ adsp-21262
EE-136: Using the Programmable I/O FLAGS and IOFLAG register on the ADSP-21161 adsp-21262
EE-16: Using Token Passing to Control SHARC Link Port Bi-directional Communication adsp-21262
EE-177: SHARC® SPI Slave Booting (Rev. 3) adsp-21262
EE-279: Interfacing NAND Flash Memory with ADSP-2126x SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-295: Implementing Delay Lines on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-323: Implementing Dynamically Loaded Software Modules (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-329: Running FAT16 File Systems and DOS Commands on SHARC® Processors (Rev. 1) adsp-21262
EE-44: How to design a DRAM Controller to interface a DRAM with the SHARC DSP adsp-21262
HPUSB, USB, and HPPCI Emulator User’s Guide (Rev. 3.2) adsp-21262
ICE-100B Emulator User’s Guide (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21262
ICE-1000/ICE-2000 Emulator User’s Guide (Rev. 1.2) adsp-21262
lwIP for CrossCore® Embedded Studio 1.0.0 User’s Guide (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21262
SHARC® Audio EZ-Extender® Manual (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21262
SHARC Audio EZ-Extender手册,修订版1.1,2012年8月 (Rev. 1.1) adsp-21262
SHARC® EZ-Extender® Manual (Rev. 3.1) adsp-21262
SHARC® USB EZ-Extender® Manual (Rev. 2.1) adsp-21262
VisualDSP++® 5.0 Getting Started Guide (Rev. 3.0) adsp-ts101s
VisualDSP++® 5.0 Quick Installation Reference Card (Rev. 3.1) adsp-ts101s