
Automotive Qualified:Yes
Vreg boost:No
ESD MM:+/-200V
Int. voltage div.:No
t_undervoltage_reset max:6ms
VCC undervoltage indic.:NRES
Max. IVSSilent (uA):64 uA
Vreg current (mA):85 mA
Vreg voltage:3.3V
LIN functions:LIN TRX/Vreg

The Atmel® ATA663201 (voltage regulator) is a fully integrated low-drop voltage regulator, with 3.3V output voltage and 85mA current capability. It is especially designed for the automotive environment. A key feature is that the current consumption is always below 170µA (without load), even if the supply voltage is below the regulator’s nominal output voltage. The ATA663201 footprint is compatible to the ATA663231 which enables customers to produce modules with/without LIN transceiver by assembling the LIN SBC (ATA663231) or the standalone LDO (ATA663201).

Ordering Code 订购信息
ATA663201-GBQWDFN GB 8Automotive(Grade 1) (-40°C to 125°C)
DataSheet 数据手册
Application Note
Brochures and Flyers
ATA663201/ATA663203/ATA663231/ATA663254 Complete (文件大小: 1,288 KB, 29 页数, 修订版 G, 更新时间: 09/2016)
Automotive Solutions (文件大小: 5.51 MB, 20 页数, 更新时间: 02/2014)
AVR286: LIN Firmware Base for AVR microcontrollers with LIN/UART Controller (文件大小: 11054, 19 页数, 修订版 A, 更新时间: 03/2008)
LIN-Based Bootloader Implementation on ATA6616/17 (文件大小: 344 KB, 4 页数, 更新时间: 10/2013)
Automotive LIN Bus Driving Sensor Applications (文件大小: 1,014 KB, 3 页数, 更新时间: 10/2010)
Automotive Compilation (文件大小: 3.04 MB, 56 页数, 修订版 Vol. 11, 更新时间: 08/2015)
Simplifying the Design of Switch Applications with LIN Bus Connections (文件大小: 481 KB, 7 页数, 更新时间: 10/2012)
Two-Wire LIN Networking (文件大小: 501 KB, 6 页数, 更新时间: 10/2012)
AVR286: LIN Firmware Base for AVR microcontrollers with LIN/UART Controller (文件大小: 11054, 19 页数, 修订版 A, 更新时间: 03/2008)
AVR292: LIN Break-in-Data Feature for AVR microcontrollers with LIN/UART Controller (文件大小: 117662, 8 页数, 修订版 A, 更新时间: 03/2008)