Intelligent Motor Control ICs

Single Half-Bridge Driver
Multi Half-Bridge Driver
Integrated Full-Bridge Driver
Servo and Stepper Motor Driver

Power Bridges for all kind of motors in automotive and industrial applications from 100mA up to 70A with different featuresets “scaled to your needs”

Product Brief
IRS2336(4)(D) High-Voltage 3-Phase Gate Drive ICEN1.9 MB29 一月 2008
IR's Rugged HVICs Improved Performance & Application-Specific Features Simplify Motor Control DesignEN2.3 MB29 一月 2008
Appliance and Light Industrial Intelligent Power ModulesEN161 KB21 十二月 2012
IRS2607(8,9)DSPbF High-Voltage Gate Driver IC with Integrated BootstrapEN3.3 MB29 一月 2008
iMOTION Integrated Design Platform - Motion ControlEN711 KB29 一月 2008
IRS26302DJPbF Fully Protected 3-Phase Gate Driver IC Featuring Extra ChannelEN2.2 MB29 一月 2008
IRS233(O,2) (D)(S&J) High-Voltage 3-Phase Bridge Driver ICEN2 MB29 一月 2008
iMOTION Integrated Design Platform - AppliancesEN2.6 MB29 一月 2008
IRS26310DJPbF High-Voltage 3-Phase Gate Driver IC with DC Bus Over-Voltage ProtectionEN1.8 MB29 一月 2008
Application Notes
Gen2 SIP1A IRAMEN2.4 MB15 七月 2013
DC Bus and ADC Offset Compensation for IRMCF/K300 Series Motor Control ICEN313 KB05 二月 2014
Power MOSFET BasicsEN97 KB23 一月 2007
Design of the Inverter Output Filter for Motor Drives with IRAMS Power ModulesEN80 KB26 五月 2006
HV Floating MOS Gate DriversEN425 KB27 十月 2004
Buffer Interface with Negative Gate Bias for Desat Protected HVICs used in High Power ApplicationsEN190 KB16 二月 2007
IRMCF3xx Series Controller Dynamics and TuningEN257 KB26 五月 2006
Using the Current Sensing IR212x Gate Driver ICsEN147 KB18 六月 2001
Six-Output 600V MGDs Simplify 3-Phase Motor DrivesEN121 KB27 十月 2004
IRMCK3xx One-Time Programmable Memory Considerations and UsageEN507 KB05 二月 2014
High Frequency Common Mode Analysis of Drive Systems with IRAMS Power ModulesEN742 KB26 五月 2006
Practical layout for Current Sensing Circuit of IRMCF300 Series ICEN662 KB16 二月 2007
IPM Storage and Assembly OverviewEN76 KB09 十二月 2003
IPM Application OverviewEN1.2 MB09 十二月 2003
PWM Control Methods Increases Efficiency and Reliability; Extends Battery Charge-cycle TimeEN464 KB01 八月 2007
Motor control platform enables smart, efficient pumpingEN649 KB15 八月 2003
Accurate Current Sensing in High Voltage Motor DrivesEN215 KB03 八月 2006
Motion Control Semiconductors are key to efficient appliance designEN549 KB15 八月 2003
Parametric Design Guidelines for MicorWave (MW) Oven InverterEN150 KB16 三月 2006
Low-Loss IGBTs for Sub 2.5kW Inverter ApplicationsEN688 KB01 二月 2007
Digital Control IC Enables High Efficiency Power Factor Correction in Air Conditioning SystemsEN527 KB15 八月 2003
New iMOTION™ Appliance-Motor Control Mitigates Growing Energy Crisis in ChinaEN367 KB03 八月 2006
1200-Volt IC Changes the Way 3-Phase Motor Drive Inverters are DesignedEN317 KB03 八月 2006
Choose Your IGBTs Correctly for Solar Inverter ApplicationsEN1.9 MB18 六月 2001
Sensorless Digial Motor Controller for High Reliability ApplicationsEN293 KB16 三月 2006
Cost Effective Variable-Speed Motor Control for Washing MachinesEN544 KB01 七月 2007
Smart Pumping: Motion-control Advancements Aid Intelligent-Pumping ApplicationsEN882 KB01 四月 2007
Cut Domestic Energy with Speed ControlEN1.3 MB15 八月 2003
PMSM control for variable speed fans and other naturally rotating loads (German language)EN1.2 MB03 八月 2006
Product Selection Guide
Battery Powered Motor Drive Selection GuideEN1.9 MB12 三月 2008
Automotive Power Selection GuideEN10.6 MB19 一月 201601_01
Motor Drive Product Selection GuideEN2.7 MB12 三月 2008
Additional Product Information
AP Selection GuideEN8 MB23 十月 201400_00
Evaluation Boards
H-BRIDGE KIT 2GOMotor Driver (F/H-Bridge)The H-Bridge Kit 2GO is a ready to use evaluation kit. It is fully populated with all electronic components equipped with the H-Bridge IFX9201 combined with an ARM® Cortex™-M0 CPU. Realize your own DC motor control. It is designed for the control of DC motors or other inductive loads up to 6 A or up to 36 V of SupplyIFX9201SGon request
KIT_AK_SMALL_ENGINEHigh/Low Side Switch, Microcontroller, Motor Driver (F/H-Bridge), TransceiverThe Starter Kit for 1- / 2-Cylinder Combustion Engines includes: Small Engine Control Unit, MECTRONIK MECLAB™ configuration and calibration software, U-Connect XC2704 Interface Board USB-CAN and Cable HarnessBTS3410KP254TLE4253TLE6250TLE8080TLE8444XC2733active
H-BRIDGE EVAL KITMotor Driver (F/H-Bridge), High/Low Side Switch, MicrocontrollerThe H-Bridge Egal Kit is an universal evaluation kit for the complete range of Infineon Powertrain H-Bridges which are designed for (but not limited to) the control of DC motors or other inductive loads up to 8.6 A in automotive applications.In order to ease up the selection of the right H-Bridge for your particular application a selection oridges is provided. Each H-Brif H-Bdge comes soldered on a device adaptor boards that can easily be exchanged. TLE5205TLE5206TLE6209TLE7209TLE8209TLE9201XC2734 Uconnecton request
DEMOBOARD BTM7752GMotor Driver (F/H-Bridge)The Trilith IC 3G - H-Bridge Demo Board contains one Trilith IC in a typical H-bridge configuration including peripheral components and reverse polarity protection. Control signals can be supplied via a 26 pin header connector or a 96 pin board connector. The board is compatible to all members of the Trilith IC 3G family in a PGDSO36 package (like BTM7752G and BTM7755G).BTM7752Gon request
DEMOBOARD BTN8962TAMotor Driver (F/H-Bridge)The NovalithIC H-Bridge/Dual-Halfbridge Demo Board contains two NovalithICs used as two half-bridges or in atypical H-bridge configuration including peripheral components and reverse polarity protection. Control signals canbe supplied via a 26 pin header connector. The board is suitable for all members of the NovalithIC family.BTN8962TAon request
DEMOBOARD BTN8982TAMotor Driver (F/H-Bridge)The NovalithIC H-Bridge/Dual-Halfbridge Demo Board contains two NovalithICs used as two half-bridges or in atypical H-bridge configuration including peripheral components and reverse polarity protection. Control signals canbe supplied via a 26 pin header connector. The board is suitable for all members of the NovalithIC family.BTN8982TAon request
DC-MOTORCONTR_BTN8982Microcontroller, Motor Driver (F/H-Bridge)The DC motor control shield from Infineon is one of the first high current motor control boards being compatible to Arduino as well as to Infineon’s XMC1100 Boot Kit. It is capable of driving two uni-directional DC motors (half bridge configuration) or one bi-directional DC motor (H-Bridge configuration).BTN8982XMC1100 Boot Kiton request
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN non-isolated-gate-driver-ics-and-controllers
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN IR2128
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN non-isolated-gate-driver-ics-and-controllers
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN IR21531S
EN non-isolated-gate-driver-ics-and-controllers
EN non-isolated-gate-driver-ics-and-controllers
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN intelligent-motor-control-ics
EN non-isolated-gate-driver-ics-and-controllers
EN non-isolated-gate-driver-ics-and-controllers
EN non-isolated-gate-driver-ics-and-controllers