DM160228 DM160228 - Explorer 8 Development Kit

The Explorer 8 Development Kit is a full-featured development board and platform for 8-bit PIC® microcontrollers. This kit is a versatile development solution, featuring several options for external sensors, off-board communication and human interface. Additionally, it offers ample room for expansion, making it an excellent solution for developers and engineers looking for a tool with the largest number of supported 8-bit PIC MCUs.

Enterprise-Class 8-bit Development
The Explorer 8 Development Kit is the latest offering in a long line of enterprise-class tools for 8-bit PIC microcontrollers. The board is an evolution of the popular PIC18 Explorer Board, and has been updated to take advantage of our most modern features including:

  • On-chip Core Independent Peripherals
  • Compatibility with all PIC MCUs
  • 8-, 14-, 20-, 28-, 40/44-, 64- and 80-pin footprints
With the Explorer 8 Development Kit, you can have a single development platform that allows you to update a legacy design while supporting our newest MCU offerings.

All-in-One Solution
Microchip designed the Explorer 8 Development Kit to be your main tool for 8-bit development with support for a wide variety of functions. On-board components enable easy development of human interface, power conversion, Internet of Things (IoT), battery charging and other applications using a powerful 8-bit PIC microcontroller. Additionally, the Explorer 8 Development Kit also has a large capacity for expansion. Two Digilent Pmod™ interfaces, two MikroElectronika Click™ board sockets and two custom expansion headers allow you to quickly adapt as your development needs change. The Explorer 8 Development Kit supports several program and debug solutions including the PICkit™ 3, ICD 3 and MPLAB® REAL ICE™ In-Circuit Emulator.

Made for MPLAB® Code Configurator
The Explorer 8 Development Kit seamlessly integrates with MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) for a modern embedded development experience. MCC is a free software plug-in that bridges our MCUs, development hardware and MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It allows you to generate easily modifiable, production-ready application code for many 8-bit PIC MCUs in just a few mouse clicks. Find out more at

Please visit our for more information.

Please visit our Explorer 8 Design Center for more information.
  • Supports all 8-bit PIC microcontrollers from 8 to 80 pins
  • Programming headers and power connections for all MCU sockets
  • Three individual power supplies
  • 5V, 3.3V, variable (1.5-4.5V)
  • 16 × 2 character LCD module
  • External connections for industry-standard communications and expansion interfaces
  • RS232 and Bluetooth® Low Energy interfaces
  • Push button switches for device reset and user-defi ned inputs
DocumentsLast UpdatedSize
Explorer 8 Development Board User's Guide3/3/2016 1:02:38 PM1MB
Explorer 8 Development Board Demo Code8/14/2015 1:03:12 PM1MB
Explorer 8 Development Board Layout and Schematic Quick Start Guide8/14/2015 10:04:48 AM174KB
Explorer 8 Development Kit Sell Sheet8/13/2015 9:16:31 AM1MB
Explorer 8 Development Board Layout and Schematic Quick Start Guide DM160228
Explorer 8 Development Board User's Guide DM160228
Explorer 8 Development Kit Sell Sheet DM160228
Explorer 8 Development Board Demo Code DM160228