DM160229 MTCH108 Evaluation Board

This Evaluation Board provides an easy platform for evaluating the Capacitive Touch Controller MTCH108. It features different buttons sizes as well as a proximity sensor.

Using active guarding, the MTCH10x family offers moisture/water resistance solution.

The board is also compatible with MTCH102 and MTCH105.

MTCH108 Board
Mini USB Cable
AppNotesLast UpdatedSize
AN1626 - Implementing Metal Over Capacitive Touch Sensors1/30/2015 7:50:42 AM1MB
AN1334 - Techniques for Robust Touch Sensing Design5/9/2013 10:26:17 AM2MB
AN1492 - Microchip Capacitive Proximity Design Guide2/25/2013 3:26:03 PM741KB
AN1325 - mTouch Metal Over Cap Technology9/28/2010 11:00:44 AM409KB
MTCH102/5/8 2, 5 and 8-Channel Proximity/Touch Controller Data Sheet4/13/2016 2:08:52 PM1MB
MTCH108 Demonstration Board User's Guide12/15/2015 3:06:04 PM607KB
MTCH102/105/108 2, 5 and 8-Channel Proximity/Touch Controller Product Brief2/25/2015 2:47:40 PM147KB
MTCH102/5/8 2, 5 and 8-Channel Proximity/Touch Controller Data Sheet MTCH108
AN1626 DM160222
AN1334 CAP1188
AN1492 CAP1214
AN1325 CAP1214
MTCH102/5/8 2, 5 and 8-Channel Proximity/Touch Controller Data Sheet DM160229
MTCH108 Demonstration Board User's Guide DM160229
MTCH102/105/108 2, 5 and 8-Channel Proximity/Touch Controller Product Brief DM160229