MA320011 PIC32MX250F128D Plug In Module

Processor Plug-In Modules are small circuit boards to be used with the various Microchip Development Boards to evaluate various MCU families. These plug into the main processor socket of the Development Boards so that different microcontrollers can be used for prototyping, demonstration or development --quickly and easily.

The PIC32MX250F128D PIM is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the PIC32MX1XX/ 2XX family of devices using Explorer 16 Development Board. It enables USB and graphics development with the PIC32MX2XX series.

This PIM can be used to evaluate the following MCUs:

See document below.
DocumentsLast UpdatedSize
PIC32MX250F128D USB/Graphics 44-pin to 100-pin Plug-In Module (PIM) IS5/17/2012 8:00:50 PM245KB
PIC32MX250F128D USB/Graphics 44-pin to 100-pin Plug-In Module (PIM) IS MA320011