LPC1820FBD144: 0kB Flash、168kB SRAM、LQFP144封装

LPC1820FBD144是一种高性价比的Cortex-M3微控制器,具有168 kB SRAM以及包括高速USB 2.0主机/OTG/设备和CAN 2.0B在内的高级外设。LPC1820的运行速度高达180 MHz,另外还具有两个可配置外设:一个SPI Flash接口和一个状态可配置定时器。该系列的所有产品均包含唤醒中断控制器,允许从任何优先级中断(还包含四个低功耗模式:睡眠、深度睡眠、掉电和深度掉电)自动唤醒。

数据手册 (2)
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 MCU; up to 200 kB SRAM; Ethernet, two High-speed USB, LCD, and external memory controller (REV 3.1) PDF (3.1 MB) LPC1850_30_20_10_ZH_120 May 2016
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 flashless MCU; up to 200 kB SRAM; Ethernet, two HS USB, LCD, and external memory controller (REV 6.7) PDF (2.8 MB) LPC1850_30_20_1014 Mar 2016
勘误表 (1)
Errata sheet LPC1850, LPC1830, LPC1820, LPC1810 (REV 7.0) PDF (374.0 kB) ES_LPC18X003 Jun 2016
应用说明 (11)
LPC1800 (with Flashless) Low Power Modes and Wake-up Times (REV 1.0) ZIP (1.5 MB) AN1185315 Aug 2016
SCTimer/PWM cookbook (REV 5.0) ZIP (24.9 MB) AN1153822 Mar 2016
LPC18xx Secondary USB Host bootloader (REV 1.0) ZIP (3.6 MB) AN1165106 Mar 2015
Implementing PWM dithering on the LPC18xx SCTimer/PWM (REV 1.0) ZIP (1.7 MB) AN1158008 Aug 2014
AES encryption and decryption software on LPC microcontrollers (REV 1.1) ZIP (174.0 kB) AN1124117 Mar 2014
LPC1800/LPC4300 One-Time Programmable (OTP) configuration (REV 1.0) ZIP (227.0 kB) AN1129223 Aug 2013
Using the SCT in LPCXpresso, Keil, and IAR (REV 1.0) ZIP (4.1 MB) AN1116109 Aug 2013
Wrting a flash programming algorithm for unsupported devices (REV 1.0) ZIP (389.0 kB) AN1128509 Aug 2013
How to implement the PMBus software stack (REV 1.0) ZIP (1.1 MB) AN1131822 Jul 2013
Bootmode jumper settings for LPC1800 and LPC4300 (REV 1.0) PDF (247.0 kB) AN1123923 Jul 2012
UUencoding for UART ISP (REV 1.0) PDF (139.0 kB) AN1122906 Jul 2012
用户指南 (1)
LPC18xx ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller (REV 2.8) PDF (9.2 MB) UM1043015 Dec 2015
手册 (1)
NXP®'s Flexible camera interface (REV 1.0) PDF (910.0 kB) 7501753704 Mar 2014
封装信息 (1)
plastic low profile quad flat package; 144 leads; body 20 x 20 x 1.4 mm (REV 1.0) PDF (830.0 kB) SOT486-108 Feb 2016
报告或演示文稿 (1)
Driving LPC1700/LPC1800/LPC4300 with EPSON Crystals (REV 1.1) PDF (209.0 kB) R_1007627 Nov 2015
支持信息 (4)
ADC design guidelines (REV 1.0) PDF (145.0 kB) TN0000909 May 2014
Connecting a USB power switch to the LPC18xx / LPC43xx (REV 1.0) PDF (76.0 kB) TN0000706 Mar 2013
LPC1800 and LPC4300 MxMEMMAP memory map (REV 1.0) PDF (148.0 kB) TN0000606 Dec 2012
Footprint for wave soldering (REV 1.0) PDF (11.0 kB) HTQFP-HLQFP-LQFP-MSQFP-WAVE08 Oct 2009
型号状态内核Clock speed [max] (MHz)DMIPS闪存 (kB)RAM (kB)EEPROM (kB)安全GPIO以太网USBUSB (speed)USB (type)LCDCANUARTI²CSPII²SADC channelsADC (bits)ADC sample rateComparatorsDAC (bits)定时器Timer (bits)SCTimer / PWMRTCPWMQEIPackage nameTemperature rangeTemperature sensorSupply voltage [min] (V)Supply voltage [max] (V)IOHDemoboardProduct category
LPC1820FBD144/CP3350ActiveCortex-M318001680N8301HShost/device0243281010432116LQFP144-40 °C to +85 °C2.43.6OM13061; OM13028; OM13039; OM13026; OM13059; OM13010
LPC1820FBD144/3DActiveCortex-M318001680N8301HShost/device0243281010432116LQFP144-40 °C to +85 °C2.43.6OM13061; OM13028; OM13039; OM13026; OM13059; OM13010
LPC1820FBD144/CP3346ActiveCortex-M318022501680N8301HShost/device0243281010432116LQFP144-40 °C to +85 °C2.43.6OM13010; OM13026; OM13039; OM13059; OM13028; OM13061
LPC1820FBD144ActiveCortex-M318022501680N8301HShost/device02432810400 ksps010432116LQFP144-40 °C to +85 °C2.43.6NOM13061; OM13028; OM13039; OM13026; OM13059; OM13010140-LPC1800-
产品编号封装说明Outline Version回流/波峰焊接包装产品状态部件编号订购码 (12NC)Marking化学成分RoHS / 无铅 / RHF无铅转换日期MSLMSL LF
LPC1820FBD144SOT486-1HTQFP-HLQFP-LQFP-MSQFP-WAVETray, Bakeable, Single in DrypackActiveLPC1820FBD144,551 (9352 963 03551)Standard MarkingLPC1820FBD144Always Pb-freeNA3
LPC1820FBD144/3DSOT486-1HTQFP-HLQFP-LQFP-MSQFP-WAVETray, Bakeable, Single in DrypackActiveLPC1820FBD144/3DE (9353 085 32551)Standard MarkingLPC1820FBD144/3DAlways Pb-freeNA3
LPC1820FBD144/CP3350SOT486-1HTQFP-HLQFP-LQFP-MSQFP-WAVETray, Bakeable, Single in DrypackActiveLPC1820FBD144/CPAE (9353 084 06551)Standard MarkingLPC1820FBD144/CP3350Always Pb-freeNA3
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 MCU; up to 200 kB SRAM; Ethernet, two High-speed USB, LCD, and external memory controller LPC1850FET256
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 flashless MCU; up to 200 kB SRAM; Ethernet, two HS USB, LCD, and external memory controller LPC1850FET256
NXP®'s Flexible camera interface LPC18S57JET256
Using the SCT in LPCXpresso, Keil, and IAR LPC4350FET256
AN11161 - Using the SCT in LPCXpresso, Keil, and IAR LPC4350FET256
UUencoding for UART ISP LPC43S50FET256
Bootmode jumper settings for LPC1800 and LPC4300 LPC4350FET256
AES encryption and decryption software on LPC microcontrollers LPC43S50FET256
Wrting a flash programming algorithm for unsupported devices LPC4357JET256
LPC1800/LPC4300 One-Time Programmable (OTP) configuration LPC4357JET256
How to implement the PMBus software stack LPC43S50FET256
SCTimer/PWM cookbook LPC54114J256UK49
Implementing PWM dithering on the LPC18xx SCTimer/PWM LPC43S57JET256
LPC18xx Secondary USB Host bootloader LPC18S57JET256
LPC1800 (with Flashless) Low Power Modes and Wake-up Times LPC18S57JET256
Errata sheet LPC1850, LPC1830, LPC1820, LPC1810 LPC1850FET256
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 flashless MCU; up to 200 kB SRAM; Ethernet, two HS USB, LCD, and external memory controller lpc1800
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 MCU; up to 200 kB SRAM; Ethernet, two High-speed USB, LCD, and external memory controller LPC1850FET256
Driving LPC1700/LPC1800/LPC4300 with EPSON Crystals LPC43S70FET256
SOT486-1 LPC43S37JBD144
LPC1800 and LPC4300 MxMEMMAP memory map LPC4357JET256
Connecting a USB power switch to the LPC18xx / LPC43xx LPC43S50FET256
ADC design guidelines LPC4333JET256
LPC18xx ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller LPC43S70FET256