NT3H1101/NT3H1201:NTAG I²C, NFC Forum type 2 Tag compliant IC with I²C interface

The NTAG I²C is the first product of NXP’s NTAG family offering both contactless and contact interfaces. In addition to the passive NFC Forum compliant contactless interface, the IC features an I²C contact interface, which can communicate with a microcontroller if the NTAG I²C is powered from an external power supply. An additional externally powered SRAM mapped into the memory allows a fast data transfer between the RF and I²C interfaces and vice versa, without the write cycle limitations of the EEPROM memory.

The NTAG I²C product features a configurable field detection pin, which provides a trigger to an external device depending on the activities at the RF interface.

The NTAG I²C product can also supply power to external (low power) devices (e.g. a microcontroller) via the embedded energy harvesting circuitry.

More information about NTAG I²C applications and use cases can be found in brochure “NFC for embedded applications”.

    • RF interface NFC Forum Type 2 Tag compliant
    • I²C interface
    • Configurable field detection pin based on open drain implementation that can be triggered upon the following events:
      • RF field presence
      • First start of communication
      • Selection of the tag only
    • RF field presence
    • First start of communication
    • Selection of the tag only
    • 64 byte SRAM buffer for fast transfer of data (Pass-through mode) between the RF and the I²C interfaces located outside the User Memory
    • Wake up signal at the field detect pin when:
      • New data has arrived from one interface
      • Data has been read by the receiving interface
    • New data has arrived from one interface
    • Data has been read by the receiving interface
    • Clear arbitration between RF and I²C interfaces:
      • First come, first serve strategy
      • Status flag bits to signal if one interface is busy writing to or reading data from the EEPROM
    • First come, first serve strategy
    • Status flag bits to signal if one interface is busy writing to or reading data from the EEPROM
    • Energy harvesting functionality to power external devices (e.g. microcontroller)
    • FAST READ command for faster data reading
    • Contactless transmission of data
    • NFC Forum Type 2 Tag compliant
    • Operating frequency of 13.56 MHz
    • Data transfer of 106 kbit/s
    • 4 bytes (one page) written including all overhead in 4.8 ms via EEPROM or 0.8 ms via SRAM (Pass-through mode)
    • Data integrity of 16-bit CRC, parity, bit coding, bit counting
    • Operating distance of up to 100 mm (depending on various parameters, such as field strength and antenna geometry)
    • True anticollision
    • Unique 7 byte serial number (cascade level 2 according to ISO/IEC 14443-3
    • 1904 bytes freely available with User Read/Write area (476 pages with 4 bytes per pages) for the NTAG I²C 2k version
    • 888 bytes freely available with User Read/Write area (222 pages with 4 bytes per pages) for the NTAG I²C 1k version
    • Field programmable RF read-only locking function with static and dynamic lock bits configurable from both I²C and NFC interfaces
    • 64 bytes SRAM volatile memory without write endurance limitation
    • Data retention time of 20 years
    • Write endurance 500,000 cycles
    • I²C slave interface supports Standard (100 kHz) and Fast (up to 400 kHz) mode
    • 16 bytes (one block) written in 4.5 ms (EEPROM) or 0.4 ms (SRAM - Pass-through mode) including all overhead
    • RFID chip can be used as standard I²C EEPROM
    • Manufacturer-programmed 7-byte UID for each device
    • Capability container with one time programmable bits
    • Field programmable read-only locking function per page for first 12 pages and per 16 (1k version) or 32 (2k version) pages for the extended memory section
    • The Pass-through mode allows fast download and upload of data from RF to I²C and vice versa without the cycling limitation of EEPROM
    • NDEF message storage up to 1904 bytes (2k version) or up to 888 bytes (1k version)
    • The mapping of the SRAM inside the User Memory buffer allows dynamic update of NDEF message content
    • Zero power configuration (late customization)
    • Smart customer interaction (e.g., easier after sales service, such as firmware update)
    • Advanced pairing (for e.g., WiFi or Blue tooth) for dynamic generation of sessions keys
    • Home automation
    • Home appliances
    • Consumer electronics
    • Healthcare
    • Printers
    • Smart meters
型号封装Outline versionReflow-/Wave soldering包装产品状态标示可订购的器件编号, (订购码 (12NC))
sot902-3_posot902-3_frReel 7" Q3/T4, Reverse量产Standard MarkingNT3H1101W0FHKH( 9353 028 42125 )
sot505-1_posot505-1_frReel 13" Q1/T1量产Standard MarkingNT3H1101W0FTTJ( 9353 054 81118 )
型号可订购的器件编号RoHS / RHF无铅转换日期潮湿敏感度等级MSL LF
NT3H1101W0FHKNT3H1101W0FHKHAlways Pb-free11
NT3H1101W0FTTNT3H1101W0FTTJAlways Pb-free11
AN11597NTAG I²C demo application for AndroidApplication notepdf2014-11-12
75017587NFC for embedded applications: Your critical link for the Internet of ThingsBrochurepdf2014-09-10
Application_SoftwareApplication SoftwareDesign supportzip2015-06-15
Custom_NTAG_I2C_AntennasCustom NTAG I2C AntennasDesign supportzip2015-06-15
Environmental_DeclarationsEnvironmental DeclarationsDesign supportzip2015-06-15
FAQs-READ_ME_FIRSTFAQ's - READ ME FIRSTDesign supportzip2015-06-15
Ferrite_Selection_ReferenceFerrite Selection ReferenceDesign supportzip2015-06-15
Network_Pairing_ReferenceNetwork Pairing ReferenceDesign supportzip2015-06-15
NTAG_I2C_PackagingNTAG I2C PackagingDesign supportzip2015-06-15
NTAG_I2C_SchematicNTAG I2C SchematicDesign supportzip2015-06-15
Sample_CodeSample CodeDesign supportzip2015-06-15
Specific_NTAG_I2C_OperationSpecific NTAG I2C OperationDesign supportzip2015-06-15
Standard_Antenna_DesignsStandard Antenna DesignsDesign supportzip2015-06-15
White_PapersWhite PapersDesign supportzip2015-06-15
PresentationsPresentationsDesign supportzip2015-06-15
75017479NTAG I²CLeafletpdf2015-05-27
UG313110NTAG I²C User Guide Explorer kit (Display board)Other typepdf2014-11-11
SW309111NTAG I²C Demo Kit design files including firmwareSoftwarezip2014-11-06
SW309810NTAG I²C Explorer Basic Kit design files including firmwareSoftwarezip2014-10-29
SW309711Android App Source code NTAG I²C 1.7.0Softwarezip2015-02-10
SW309910NTAG I²C design file antenna boardSoftwarezip2014-10-29
SW313210PC application for I²C access via USBSoftwarezip2014-11-11
How_NFC_enables_IndustryWhat NFC means for smart factories, intelligent supply chains, and Industry 4.0White paperpdf2015-05-18
sot902-3_poplastic extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 8 terminalsOutline drawingpdf2011-08-25
sot902-3_frFootprint for reflow soldering SOT902-3Reflow solderingpdf2013-01-04
SOT505-1_518TSSOP8; Reel dry pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,518 or Y Ordering code (12NC) ending 518Packingpdf2015-02-02
sot505-1_poplastic thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3 mmOutline drawingpdf2009-10-08
sot505-1_frFootprint for reflow soldering SOT505-1Reflow solderingpdf2010-07-20
SOT505-1_118TSSOP8; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering code (12NC) ending 118Packingpdf2013-04-15
Reflow_Soldering_ProfileReflow Soldering ProfileReflow solderingpdf2013-09-30
型号订购码 (12NC)可订购的器件编号
NT3H1101W0FHK9353 028 42125NT3H1101W0FHKH
NT3H1101W0FTT9353 054 81118NT3H1101W0FTTJ
NTAG I²C Demo Kit design files including firmwareSoftware2014-11-06
NTAG I²C Explorer Basic Kit design files including firmwareSoftware2014-10-29
Android App Source code NTAG I²C 1.7.0Software2015-02-10
NTAG I²C design file antenna boardSoftware2014-10-29
PC application for I²C access via USBSoftware2014-11-11
Application SoftwareDesign support2015-06-15
Custom NTAG I2C AntennasDesign support2015-06-15
Environmental DeclarationsDesign support2015-06-15
FAQ's - READ ME FIRSTDesign support2015-06-15
Ferrite Selection ReferenceDesign support2015-06-15
Network Pairing ReferenceDesign support2015-06-15
NTAG I2C PackagingDesign support2015-06-15
NTAG I2C SchematicDesign support2015-06-15
Sample CodeDesign support2015-06-15
Specific NTAG I2C OperationDesign support2015-06-15
Standard Antenna DesignsDesign support2015-06-15
White PapersDesign support2015-06-15
PresentationsDesign support2015-06-15
NTAG® I²C nt3h1201w0ftt
NFC for embedded applications: Your critical link for the Internet of Things nt3h1201w0ftt
NTAG® I²C demo application for Android nt3h1201w0fhk
Application Software NT3H1101_NT3H1201
Custom NTAG I2C Antennas NT3H1101_NT3H1201
Environmental Declarations NT3H1101_NT3H1201
Ferrite Selection Reference NT3H1101_NT3H1201
What NFC means for smart factories, intelligent supply chains, and Industry 4.0 OM5569
Network Pairing Reference NT3H1101_NT3H1201
NTAG I2C Packaging NT3H1101_NT3H1201
NTAG I2C Schematic NT3H1101_NT3H1201
Presentations NT3H1101_NT3H1201
Reflow_Soldering_Profile Wave_Soldering_Profile LPC1112FD20
Sample Code NT3H1101_NT3H1201
TSSOP8; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or... pesd5v0l7bas
TSSOP8; Reel dry pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,518 or Y Ordering code... pca8565ts
Footprint for reflow soldering SOT505-1 PCT2075
plastic thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3 mm PCT2075
Footprint for reflow soldering SOT902-3 SL3S4011_4021
plastic extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 8 terminals SL3S4011_4021
Specific NTAG I2C Operation NT3H1101_NT3H1201
Standard Antenna Designs NT3H1101_NT3H1201
NTAG I²C Demo Kit design files including firmware OM5569
Android App Source code NTAG I²C 1.7.0 OM5569
NTAG I²C Explorer Basic Kit design files including firmware NT3H1101_NT3H1201
NTAG I²C design file antenna board OM5569
PC application for I²C access via USB NT3H1101_NT3H1201
NTAG I²C User Guide Explorer kit (Display board) NT3H1101_NT3H1201
White Papers NT3H1101_NT3H1201