NCP2820: Audio Power Amplifier, Class D, 2.65 W, Filterless, Mono

The NCP2820 is a cost-effective mono Class-D audio power amplifier capable of delivering 2.65W of continuous average power to 4 Ohm Bridge Tied Load from a 5V supply. Under the same conditions, the output power stage can provide 1.4W to a 8 Ohm BTL load with less than 1% THD+N. For cellular handsets or PDAs, it offers sapce and cost savings because no output filter is required when using inductive transducers. With more than 90% efficiency and very low shutdown current it increases the lifetime of your battery and drastically lowers the junction temperature.The NCP2820 processes analog inputs with a pulse width modulation technique that lowers output noise and THD when compared to a conventional sigma-delta modulator. The device allows independent gain while summing signals from various audio sources. Thus, in cellular handsets, the earpiece, the loudspeaker and even the melody ringer can be driven with a single NCP2820. Due to its low 42uV noise floor, A-weighted, a clean listening is guaranteed no matter the load sensitivity.

  • Optimized PWM Output Stage: Filterless Capability
  • Efficiency up to 90% and Low 2.5mA Typical Quiescent Current
  • Large Output Power Capability: 1.4W with 8Ω Load and THD+N<1%
  • Wide Supply Voltage Range: 2.5-5.5V Operating Voltage
  • High Performance, THD+N of 0.03%@Vp=5V, RL=8Ω, Pout=100mW
  • Excellent PSRR (-65dB): No Need for Voltage Regulation
  • Surface Mounted Package 9-Pin Flip-Chip CSP (SnPb and Pb-Free)
  • Fully Differential Design. Eliminates Two Input Coupling Capacitors
  • Very Fast Turn On/Off Times with Advanced Rising and Falling Gain Technique
  • External Gain Configuration Capability
  • Internally Generated 250kHz Switching Frequency
  • Short Circuit Protection Circuitry
  • Pop & Click Noise Protection Circuitry
  • Audio Amplification for 4ohm/ 8ohm speaker
  • Cellular Phone
  • Portable Game, DVD
  • Global Positioning System/ Device (GPS/ GPN)
  • Smart phone, PDA, PMP
仿真模型 (1)
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NCP2820 ORCAD TemplatesNCP2820ORCAD (12.0kB)0
封装图纸 (2)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevision
9 Pin Flip-Chip, 1.45 x 1.45 mm499AL (26.7kB)O
UDFN8 2x2.2, 0.5P506AV (54.6kB)C
数据表 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
2.65 W Filterless Class-D Audio Power AmplifierNCP2820/D (224kB)8
产品状况Compliance封装MSL*容器预算价格 (1千个数量的单价)
NCP2820AFCT2GObsoletePb-free Halide freeFlip-Chip-9499AL1Die Surf Tape and Reel3000
NCP2820FCT1GActivePb-free Halide freeFlip-Chip-9499AL1Die Surf Tape and Reel3000$0.24
NCP2820FCT2GActivePb-free Halide freeFlip-Chip-9499AL1Die Surf Tape and Reel3000$0.24
NCP2820MUTBGActivePb-free Halide freeDFN-8506AV1Tape and Reel3000$0.3067
NCV2820MUTBGActiveAEC Qualified PPAP Capable Pb-free Halide freeDFN-8506AV1Tape and Reel3000$0.3987
ProductClassOutput Power Typ (W)VCC Max (V)Output Typeton Typ (ms)THD + N Typ (%)IQ Typ (mA)ISD Typ (nA)
2.65 W Filterless Class-D Audio Power Amplifier (224kB) NCP2820
9 Pin Flip-Chip, 1.45 x 1.45 mm NCP4894
UDFN8 2x2.2, 0.5P NCP2820
NCP2820 ORCAD Templates NCP2820