NCV891330PD33GEVB: Automotive 3-A 2-MHz Low-Iq Dual-Mode Step-Down Regulator Evaluation Board

Evaluation board for the NCV891330 Dual Mode regulator intended for Automotive, battery-connected applications that must operate with up to a 45V input supply. Depending on the output load, it operates either as a PWM Buck Converter or as a Low Drop-Out Linear Regulator, and is suitable for systems with low noise and Low Quiescent Current requirements often encountered in automotive driver information systems. A reset pin (with fixed delay) simplifies interfacing with a microcontroller. The NCV891330 also provides several protection features expected in automotive power supply systems such as current limit, short circuit protection, and thermal shutdown. In addition, the high switching frequency produces low output voltage ripple even when using small inductor values and an all-ceramic output filter capacitor – forming a space-efficient switching regulator solution. This is the 3.3 volt version of the part.

NCV891330PD33GEVBActivePb-freeAutomotive 3-A 2-MHz Low-Iq Dual-Mode Step-Down Regulator Evaluation BoardNCV891330PD33R2G
Eval Board: BOMNCV891330PD33GEVB Bill of Materials ROHS CompliantNCV891330PD33GEVB_BOM_ROHS - 35 KB0
Eval Board: GerberNCV891330PD33GEVB Gerber Layout Files (Zip Format)NCV891330PD33GEVB_GERBER - 98 KB0
Eval Board: SchematicNCV891330PD33GEVB SchematicNCV891330PD33GEVB_SCHEMATIC - 109 KB0
Eval Board: Test ProcedureNCV891330PD33GEVB Test ProcedureNCV891330PD33GEVB_TEST_PROCEDURE - 69 KB1
VideoAutomotive 3.3V 3-A 2-MHz Low-Iq Dual-Mode Step-Down Regulator Evaluation Board - NCV891330PD33GEVBTND6160/D