bq2407x Single-Chip Li-Ion Charge and System Power-Path Management IC BQ24070
2Q 2016 Analog Applications Journal Issue BQ24070
Battery-charging considerations for low-power applications BQ24070
Selecting the Best bq2407x/23x Single Cell Battery Charger for your Application BQ24070
Improving Battery Safety, Charging, and Fuel Gauging in Portable Media Apps BQ24070
Q1 2009 Issue Analog Applications Journal BQ24070
Power-Path Li-Ion Charger Selection BQ24030
bq24070 1.5-A Single-Chip Li-Ion & Li-Pol Charge Mgmt IC BQ24070
Power Tools Solutions BQ24070
BQ24070_NanoEVM_ Schematic BQ24070
BQ26150_NanoEVM_OV BQ24070