AD5672R Octal, 12-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, SPI Interface

The AD5672R/AD5676R are low power, octal, 12-/16-bit buffered voltage output digital-to-analog converters (DACs). They include a 2.5 V, 2 ppm/°C internal reference (enabled by default) and a gain select pin giving a full-scale output of 2.5 V (gain = 1) or 5 V (gain = 2). All devices operate from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply and are guaranteed monotonic by design. The AD5672R/AD5676R are available in a 20-lead TSSOP package. High Relative Accuracy (INL). AD5672R (12-bit): ±0.1 LSB maximum AD5676R (16-bit): ±3 LSB maximum Low Drift 2.5 V On-Chip Reference.

The AD5672R/AD5676R also incorporate a power-on reset circuit and a RSTSEL pin that ensures that the DAC outputs power up to zero scale or midscale and remain there until a valid write takes place. Each part contains a per channel power-down feature that reduces the current consumption of the device to 2.5 µA while in power-down mode.

The AD5672R/AD5676R employ a versatile serial peripheral interface (SPI) that operates at clock rates up to 50 MHz, and all devices contain a VLOGIC pin intended for 1.8 V/3 V/5 V logic.

Product Highlights
  • High Relative Accuracy (INL). AD5672R (12-bit): ±0.1 LSB maximum AD5676R (16-bit): ±3 LSB maximum
  • Low Drift 2.5 V On-Chip Reference.
  • Optical transceivers
  • Base-station power amplifiers
  • Process control (programmable logic control [PLC] I/O cards)
  • Industrial automation
  • Data acquisition systems
Features and Benefits
  • High Performance
    High relative accuracy (INL):
    ± 3 LSB maximum at 16 bits
    Total unadjusted error (TUE): ± 0.14% of FSR maximum
    Offset error: ±1.6 mV maximum
  • Wide Operating Ranges
    −40°C to +125°C temperature range
    2.7 V to 5.5 V power supply
  • Easy Implementation
    User selectable gain of 1 or 2 (GAIN pin)
    Reset to zero scale or midscale (RSTSEL pin)
    1.8 V logic compatibility
  • 50 MHz SPI with readback or daisy chain
  • See datasheet for additional features
Digital to Analog Converters
Reference Designs
Data Sheets
AD5672R/AD5676R: Octal, 12-/16-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, SPI Interface Data Sheet (Rev. B)PDF 974.75 K
Order Information
Part NumberPackagePacking QtyTemp RangePrice 100-499Price 1000+RoHS
AD5672RBCPZ-REEL7 Production20 ld LFCSP 4x4mm (2.6EP)REEL 1500-40 to 125C05.93Y
AD5672RBCPZ-RL Production20 ld LFCSP 4x4mm (2.6EP)REEL 5000-40 to 125C05.93Y
AD5672RBRUZ Production20 ld TSSOPOTH 75-40 to 125C7.156.08Y
AD5672RBRUZ-REEL7 Production20 ld TSSOPREEL 1000-40 to 125C06.08Y
Evaluation Boards
Part NumberDescriptionPriceRoHS
EVAL-AD5676RSDZEvaluation Board99Y
EVAL-AD5676SDZEvaluation Board99Y
EVAL-SDP-CB1ZController Board99Y
AD5672R/AD5676R:8通道、12/16位 DAC+, 内置2 ppm/℃基准电压源和SPI接口 (Rev. B) ad5672r
AD5672R/AD5676R: Octal, 12-/16-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, SPI Interface Data Sheet (Rev. B) ad5672r
CN0229 设计与集成文件 adum1301