AD8113 Audio/Video 60MHz 16 x 16 Crosspoint Switch

The AD8113 is a fully buffered crosspoint switch matrix that operates on ±12V for Audio applications and ±5V for Video applications. It offers a -3dB signal bandwidth greater than 60MHz and channel switch times of less than 60ns with 0.1% settling for use in both analog and digital audio. The AD8113 operated at 20kHz has crosstalk performance of -83dB and isolation of 90dB. In addition, ground/power pins surround all inputs and outputs to provide extra shielding for operation in the most demanding audio routing applications. The differential gain and differential phase of better than 0.1% and 0.1°, respectively, along with 0.1dB flatness out to 10MHz make the AD8113 suitable for many video applications.

The AD8113 includes 16 independent output buffers that can be placed into a disabled state for paralleling crosspoint outputs so that off channel loading is minimized. The AD8113 has a gain of +2. It operates on voltage supplies of ±5V or ±12V while consuming only 34mA or 31mA of current, respectively.

The channel switching is performed via a serial digital control (which can accommodate daisy-chaining of several devices) or via a parallel control, allowing updating of an individual output without reprogramming the entire array.

The AD8113 is packaged in a 100-lead LQFP and is available over the commercial temperature range of 0°C to 70°C.

Features and Benefits
  • 16 x 16 High Speed Nonblocking Switch Array
  • Serial or Parallel Programming of Switch Array
  • Serial Data Out Allows Daisy Chaining Control of Multiple 16 x 16s to Create Larger Switch Arrays
  • Output Disable Allows Connection of Multiple Devices without Loading the Output Bus
  • Complete Solution
    Buffered Inputs
    16 Output Amplifiers
    Operates on ±5 V or ±12 V Supplies
    Low Supply Current of 54 mA
  • Excellent Audio Performance
    VS = ±12 V
    ±10 V Output Swing
    0.002% THD @ 20 kHz Max. 20 V p-p
    (RL = 600 Ω)
  • Excellent Video Performance VS = ±5 V
  • 10 MHz 0.1 dB Gain Flatness
    0.1% Differential Gain Error (RL = 1 kΩ)
    0.1° Differential Phase Error
    (RL = 1 kΩ)
  • See data sheet for additional Features
  • Switches & Multiplexers
    Security and Surveillance
    • Video Surveillance
    Data Sheets
    AD8113: Audio/Video 60 MHz 16 x 16, G=+2 Crosspoint Switch Data Sheet (Rev. A)PDF 1391 kB
    User Guides
    UG-818: Evaluation Board for the AD8112, AD8113, AD8114, AD8115, and ADV3205 Analog Crosspoint SwitchesPDF 622.35 K
    Order Information
    Part NumberPackagePacking QtyTemp RangePrice 100-499Price 1000+RoHS
    AD8113JSTZ Production100 ld LQFPOTH 900 to 70C30.325.25Y
    Evaluation Boards
    Part NumberDescriptionPriceRoHS
    AD8113-EVALZEvaluation Board399.74Y
    Reference Materials
    AD8113: Audio/Video 60 MHz 16 x 16, G=+2 Crosspoint Switch Data Sheet (Rev. A) ad8113
    CMOS Switches Offer High Performance in Low Power, Wideband Applications ad75019
    UG-818: Evaluation Board for the AD8112, AD8113, AD8114, AD8115, and ADV3205 Analog Crosspoint Switches ad8114
    High Speed Switches ad75019