ADPD174GGI Integrated Optical Module with Ambient Light Rejection and Three LEDs

The ADPD174GGI is a complete photometric system designed to measure optical signals from ambient light and from synchronous reflected LED pulses. Synchronous measurement offers best-in-class rejection of ambient light interference, both dc and ac. The module integrates a highly efficient photometric front end, three LEDs, and a photodiode (PD). All of these items are housed in a custom package that prevents light from going directly from the LED to the photodiode without first entering the subject.

The front end of the ASIC consists of a control block, a 14-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with a 20-bit burst accumulator, and three flexible, independently configurable LED drivers. The control circuitry includes flexible LED signaling and synchronous detection. The analog front end (AFE) features best-in-class rejection of signal offset and corruption due to modulated interference commonly caused by ambient light. The data output and functional configuration occur over a 1.8 V I2C interface.

  • Optical heart rate monitoring
  • Reflective SpO2 measurement
Features and Benefits
  • 2.8 mm × 6.5 mm module with integrated optical components
    2 green LEDs located on either side of the photodiode, 1 infrared LED, and 1 photodiode
  • True 3-channel 250 mA LED driver
  • Separate LED and AFE settings for each channel
  • Dual data registers for each LED return signal
  • 14-bit ADC
  • 20-bit burst accumulator enabling 20 bits per sample period
  • On-board sample to sample accumulator enabling up to 27 bits per data read
  • Custom optical package made to work under a glass window
  • Optimized SNR for signal limited cases
  • Optical
    Data Sheets
    ADPD174GGI: Integrated Optical Module with Ambient Light Rejection and Three LEDs Data Sheet (Rev. Sp0)PDF 67.89 K
    Order Information
    Part NumberPackagePacking QtyTemp RangePrice 100-499Price 1000+RoHS
    ADPD174GGI-ACEZR7 Contact ADILGA_CAV NO LEAD CAVITYREEL 1000-40 to 85C05.67Y
    Reference Materials
    ADPD174GGI: Integrated Optical Module with Ambient Light Rejection and Three LEDs Data Sheet (Rev. Sp0) adpd174ggi
    When Every μA Counts! adpd174ggi