ADR292 Low Noise Micropower Precision Voltage Reference (4.096 V)

The ADR291 and ADR292 are low noise, micropower precision voltage references that use an XFET® reference circuit. The new XFET architecture offers significant performance improvements over traditional band gap and buried Zener-based references. Improvements include one quarter the voltage noise output of band gap references operating at the same current, very low and ultralinear temperature drift, low thermal hysteresis, and excellent long-term stability.

The ADR291/ADR292 family is a series of voltage references providing stable and accurate output voltages from supplies as low as 2.8 V for the ADR291. Output voltage options are 2.5 V and 4.096 V for the ADR291 and ADR292, respectively.

Quiescent current is only 12 μA, making these devices ideal for battery-powered instrumentation. Three electrical grades are available offering initial output accuracies of ±2 mV, ±3 mV, and ±6 mV maximum for the ADR291, and ±3 mV, ±4 mV, and ±6 mV maximum for the ADR292. Temperature coefficients for the three grades are 8 ppm/°C, 15 ppm/°C, and 25 ppm/°C maximum, respectively. Line regulation and load regulation are typically 30 ppm/V and 30 ppm/mA, maintaining the reference’s overall high performance. For a device with 5.0 V output, refer to the ADR293 data sheet.

The ADR291 and ADR292 references are specified over the extended industrial temperature range of −40°C to +125°C. Devices are available in the 8-lead SOIC, 8-lead TSSOP, and 3-lead TO-92 packages.

  • Portable instrumentation
  • Precision reference for 3 V and 5 V systems
  • Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converter reference
  • Solar-powered applications
  • Loop-current-powered instruments
Features and Benefits
  • Supply Range
    2.8 V to 15 V, ADR291
    4.4 V to 15 V, ADR292
  • Supply Current 15 µA Max
  • Low-Noise 8 µV and 12 µV p-p (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz)
  • High Output Current 5 mA
  • Temperature Range -40ºC to +125ºC
  • Pin Compatible with REF02 / REF191
Linear Products
Data Sheets
ADR291/ADR292: Low Noise Micropower 2.5 V and 4.096 V Precision Voltage References Data Sheet (Rev. F)PDF 466 kB
Application Notes
AN-713: The Effect of Long-Term Drift on Voltage References (Rev. 0)PDF 237 kB
Frequently Asked Questions
Order Information
Part NumberPackagePacking QtyTemp RangePrice 100-499Price 1000+RoHS
ADR292ERZ Production8 ld SOICOTH 98-40 to 125C6.76.11Y
ADR292ERZ-REEL Production8 ld SOICREEL 2500-40 to 125C06.11Y
ADR292FRZ Production8 ld SOICOTH 98-40 to 125C5.282.76Y
ADR292FRZ-REEL7 Production8 ld SOICREEL 1000-40 to 125C02.76Y
ADR292GRUZ Production8 ld TSSOPOTH 96-40 to 125C2.782.56Y
ADR292GRUZ-REEL7 Production8 ld TSSOPREEL 1000-40 to 125C02.56Y
ADR292GRZ Production8 ld SOICOTH 98-40 to 125C2.322.09Y
ADR292GRZ-REEL7 Production8 ld SOICREEL 1000-40 to 125C02.09Y
ADR291/ADR292: Low Noise Micropower 2.5 V and 4.096 V Precision Voltage References Data Sheet (Rev. F) adr291
AN-713: The Effect of Long-Term Drift on Voltage References (Rev. 0) ad580