ADV3201 300 MHz, 32 × 32 Buffered Analog Crosspoint Switch

The ADV3200/ADV3201 are 32 × 32 analog crosspoint switch matrices. They feature a selectable sync-tip clamp input for ac-coupled applications and an on-screen display (OSD) insertion mux. With −48 dB of crosstalk and −80 dB isolation at 5 MHz, the ADV3200/ADV3201 are useful in many high density routing applications. The 0.1 dB flatness out to 60 MHz makes the ADV3200/ADV3201 ideal for composite video switching. The 32 independent output buffers of the ADV3200/ADV3201 can be placed into a high impedance state for paralleling crosspoint outputs so that off-channels present minimal loading to an output bus if building a larger array. The part is available in gain of +1 (ADV3200) or +2 (ADV3201) for ease of use in back-terminated load applications. A single 5 V supply, dual ±2.5 V supplies, or dual ±3.3 V supplies (G = +2) can be used while consuming only 250 mA of idle current with all outputs enabled. The channel switching is performed via a double buffered, serial digital control, which can accommodate daisy chaining of several devices. The ADV3200/ADV3201 are packaged in a 176-lead exposed pad LQFP (24 mm × 24 mm) and are available over the extended industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. APPLICATIONS Data Sheet, Rev. 0, 11/2008

Data Sheet, Rev. 0, 11/2008

Features and Benefits
  • Large, 32 × 32, nonblocking switch array
  • G = +1 (ADV3200) or G = +2 (ADV3201) operation
  • Pin compatible 32 × 16 versions available (ADV3202/ADV3203)
  • Single 5 V supply, dual ±2.5 V supply, or dual ±3.3 V supply (G=+2)
  • Serial programming of switch array
  • 2:1 OSD insertion mux per output
    Input sync-tip clamp
    High impedance output disable allows connection of multiple devices with minimal output bus load
  • Excellent video performance
  • 60 MHz 0.1 dB gain flatness 
    0.1% differential gain error (RL = 150 Ω) 
    0.1° differential phase error (RL = 150 Ω)
  • Excellent ac performance 
    Bandwidth: >300 MHz 
    Slew rate: >400 V/µs
  • See data sheet for additional Features
  • Switches & Multiplexers
    Security and Surveillance
    • Video Surveillance
    Data Sheets
    ADV3200/ADV3201: 300 MHz, 32 × 32 Buffered Analog Crosspoint Switch Data Sheet (Rev. 0)PDF 228 kB
    Order Information
    Part NumberPackagePacking QtyTemp RangePrice 100-499Price 1000+RoHS
    ADV3201ASWZ Production176 Ld LQFP(24x24 w_7.8 mm_heatsink) OTH 40-40 to 85C12099Y
    Evaluation Boards
    Part NumberDescriptionPriceRoHS
    ADV3201-EVALZEvaluation Board2995Y
    ADV3200/ADV3201: 300 MHz, 32 × 32 Buffered Analog Crosspoint Switch Data Sheet (Rev. 0) adv3200
    ADV3200/ADV3201: 300 MHz、32 × 32缓冲式模拟交叉点开关 (Rev. 0) adv3200