ADV3205 60 MHz, G = +2, 16 × 16 Buffered Analog Crosspoint Switch

The ADV3205 is a fully buffered crosspoint switch matrix that operates on ±5 V, making it ideal for video applications. It offers a −3 dB signal bandwidth of 60 MHz and channel switch times of less than 60 ns with 0.1% settling. The ADV3205 has excellent crosstalk performance, and ground/power pins surround all inputs and outputs to provide extra shielding required for the most demanding applications. The differential gain and differential phase of better than 0.1% and 0.1°, respectively, along with 0.1 dB flatness out to 10 MHz, make the ADV3205 an excellent choice for many video applications. The ADV3205 includes 16 independent output buffers that can be placed into a disabled state for paralleling crosspoint outputs. The ADV3205 has a gain of +2 and operates on voltage supplies of ±5 V while consuming only 34 mA of current. Channel switching is performed via a serial digital control (which can accommodate daisy-chaining of several devices) or via a parallel control, allowing updating of an individual output without reprogramming the entire array. The ADV3205 is packaged in a 100-lead LQFP and is available over the commercial temperature range of 0°C to 70°C. APPLICATIONS CCTV surveillance Video routers (NTSC, PAL, S-Video, SECAM) Video conferencing

The ADV3205 includes 16 independent output buffers that can be placed into a disabled state for paralleling crosspoint outputs. The ADV3205 has a gain of +2 and operates on voltage supplies of ±5 V while consuming only 34 mA of current. Channel switching is performed via a serial digital control (which can accommodate daisy-chaining of several devices) or via a parallel control, allowing updating of an individual output without reprogramming the entire array.

The ADV3205 is packaged in a 100-lead LQFP and is available over the commercial temperature range of 0°C to 70°C.


Features and Benefits
  • 16 × 16 high speed nonblocking switch array
  • Serial or parallel programming of switch array
  • Serial data out allows daisy-chaining control of multiple16 × 16 devices to create larger switch arrays
  • Complete solution
    - Buffered inputs
    - 16 output amplifiers
    - Operates on ±5 V supplies
    - Low supply current of 50 mA
  • Low all hostile crosstalk: −67 dB at 5 MHz
  • Excellent video performance, VS = ±5 V
    - −3 dB bandwidth: 60 MHz
    - 0.1 dB gain flatness: 10 MHz
    - 0.1% differential gain error (RL = 1 kΩ)
    - 0.1° differential phase error (RL = 1 kΩ)
  • Output disable allows connection of multiple devices without loading the output bus
  • RESET pin allows disabling of all outputs
    - Power-on reset capability with capacitor to ground
  • 100-lead LQFP (14 mm × 14 mm)
  • Switches & Multiplexers
    Data Sheets
    ADV3205: 60 MHz, G = +2, 16 × 16Buffered Analog Crosspoint Switch Data Sheet (Rev. 0)PDF 334 kB
    User Guides
    UG-818: Evaluation Board for the AD8112, AD8113, AD8114, AD8115, and ADV3205 Analog Crosspoint SwitchesPDF 622.35 K
    Order Information
    Part NumberPackagePacking QtyTemp RangePrice 100-499Price 1000+RoHS
    ADV3205JSTZ Production100 ld LQFPOTH 900 to 70C16.6214.95Y
    Evaluation Boards
    Part NumberDescriptionPriceRoHS
    ADV3205-EVALZEvaluation Board399Y
    ADV3205: 60 MHz、G = +2、16 × 16缓冲式模拟交叉点开关 (Rev. 0) adv3205
    ADV3205: 60 MHz, G = +2, 16 × 16Buffered Analog Crosspoint Switch Data Sheet (Rev. 0) adv3205
    UG-818: Evaluation Board for the AD8112, AD8113, AD8114, AD8115, and ADV3205 Analog Crosspoint Switches ad8114