The HEDB-9140 series are three channel optical incremental encoder module offered with a codewheel. When used with a codewheel, these low cost modules detect rotary position. Each module consists of a lensed LED source and a detector IC enclosed in a small plastic package. Due to a highly collimated light source and a unique photodetector array, these modules are extremely tolerant to mounting misalignment. The HEDB-9140 has two channel quadrature output plus a third channel index output. This index output is a 90 electrical degree high true index pulse which is generated once for each full rotation of the codewheel. The HEDB-9140 is designed for use with a HEDS- 5140 codewheel which has an optical radius of 11.00 mm (0.433 inch). The quadrature signals and the index pulse are accessed through five 0.025 inch square pins located on 0.1 inch (pitch) centers.
FeaturesTwo Channel Quadrature Output with Index Pulse Resolution from 100 CPR up to 1024 CPR (Counts Per Revolution) Small in size and low cost -40 degree Celcius to 100 degree Celcius operating temperature TTL Compatible Single 5V supply Printers Plotters Tape Drives Industrial and Factory Automation Equipment ApplicationsTwo Channel Quadrature Output with Index Pulse Resolution from 100 CPR up to 1024 CPR (Counts Per Revolution) Small in size and low cost -40 degree Celcius to 100 degree Celcius operating temperature TTL Compatible Single 5V supply Printers Plotters Tape Drives Industrial and Factory Automation Equipment |