These current feedback amplifiers have very high input impedance and make excellent buffer amplifiers. They maintain their wide bandwidth for almost all closed-loop voltage gains. The amplifiers drive over 30mA of output current and are optimized to drive low impedance loads, such as cables, with excellent linearity at high frequencies.
The LT1229/LT1230 are manufactured on Linear Technology’s proprietary complementary bipolar process. For a single amplifier like these see the LT1227 and for better DC accuracy see the LT1223.
Part Number | Package | Temp | Price(1-99) | Price (1k)* |
LT1230CN#PBF | N-14 | C | $8.50 | $7.00 |
LT1230CS#PBF | SO-14 | C | $9.10 | $7.40 |
LT1230CS#TRPBF | SO-14 | C | $7.46 |