74LVC1G99: Ultra-configurable multiple function gate; 3-state (Based on PIP 74LVC1G99)

The 74LVC1G99 provides a low voltage, ultra-configurable, multiple function gate with 3-state output. The device can be configured as one of several logic functions including, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, inverter, buffer and MUX. No external components are required to configure the device as all inputs can be connected directly to VCC or GND. The 3-state output is controlled by the output enable input (OE). A HIGH level at OE causes the output (Y) to assume a high-impedance OFF-state. When OE is LOW, the output state is determined by the signals applied to the Schmitt-trigger inputs (A, B, C and D).

Due to the use of Schmitt-trigger inputs the device is tolerant of slowly changing input signals, transforming them into sharply defined, jitter free output signals. By eliminating leakage current paths to VCC and GND, the inputs and disabled output are also over-voltage tolerant, making the device suitable for mixed-voltage applications.

This device is fully specified for partial power-down applications using IOFF. The IOFF circuitry disables the output, preventing the damaging backflow current through the device when it is powered down.

The 74LVC1G99 is fully specified over the supply range from 1.65 V to 5.5 V.

74LVC1G99: Product Block Diagram
Outline 3d SOT1116
Data Sheets (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Ultra-configurable multiple function gate; 3-state (REV 8.0) PDF (336.0 kB) 74LVC1G99 [English]05 Apr 2013
Application Notes (5)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Sorting through the low voltage logic maze (REV 1.0) PDF (72.0 kB) AN10156 [English]13 Mar 2013
Package lead inductance considerations in high-speed applications (REV 1.0) PDF (43.0 kB) AN212 [English]13 Mar 2013
Pin FMEA for LVC family (REV 1.0) PDF (44.0 kB) AN11009 [English]04 Feb 2011
MicroPak soldering information (REV 2.0) PDF (245.0 kB) AN10343 [English]30 Dec 2010
PicoGate Logic footprints (REV 1.0) PDF (87.0 kB) AN10161 [English]30 Oct 2002
Selector Guides (2)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
ロジック製品セレクションガイド... (REV 1.0) PDF (38.3 MB) LOGIC_SELECTION_GUIDE_2015_JP [English]19 Nov 2015
Logic selection guide 2016 (REV 1.1) PDF (15.3 MB) 75017285 [English]08 Jan 2015
Package Information (7)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Plastic extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 8 terminals (REV 1.3) PDF (206.0 kB) SOT902-2 [English]14 Jul 2016
plastic thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3 mm; lead length 0.5 mm (REV 1.2) PDF (239.0 kB) SOT505-2 [English]08 Jun 2016
extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals (REV 1.0) PDF (200.0 kB) SOT1089 [English]08 Feb 2016
extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals (REV 1.0) PDF (188.0 kB) SOT1116 [English]08 Feb 2016
extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals (REV 1.0) PDF (188.0 kB) SOT1203 [English]08 Feb 2016
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 1 x 1.95 x 0.5 mm (REV 1.0) PDF (201.0 kB) SOT833-1 [English]08 Feb 2016
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 3 x 2 x 0.5 mm (REV 1.0) PDF (190.0 kB) SOT996-2 [English]08 Feb 2016
Packing (7)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115 (REV 1.0) PDF (88.0 kB) SOT1203_115 [English]03 Jul 2013
TSSOP8: Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... (REV 5.0) PDF (210.0 kB) SOT505-2_125 [English]02 May 2013
XQFN8(U); Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... (REV 1.0) PDF (201.0 kB) SOT902-2_125 [English]02 May 2013
XSON8(U); Reel pack, Reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... (REV 5.0) PDF (200.0 kB) SOT996-2_125 [English]02 May 2013
XSON8; Reel pack; SMD, 7" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,115 or X Ordering... (REV 3.0) PDF (205.0 kB) SOT1089_115 [English]23 Apr 2013
Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115 (REV 3.0) PDF (88.0 kB) SOT833-1_115 [English]05 Apr 2013
Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115 (REV 2.0) PDF (88.0 kB) SOT1116_115 [English]04 Apr 2013
Supporting Information (4)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
MAR_SOT1089 Topmark (REV 1.0) PDF (76.0 kB) MAR_SOT1089 [English]03 Jun 2013
MAR_SOT1116 Topmark (REV 1.0) PDF (73.0 kB) MAR_SOT1116 [English]03 Jun 2013
MAR_SOT1203 Topmark (REV 1.0) PDF (73.0 kB) MAR_SOT1203 [English]03 Jun 2013
MAR_SOT833 Topmark (REV 1.0) PDF (75.0 kB) MAR_SOT833 [English]03 Jun 2013
IBIS Model
Ordering Information
Package Information
Product IDPackage DescriptionOutline VersionReflow/Wave SolderingPackingProduct StatusPart NumberOrdering code(12NC)MarkingChemical ContentRoHS / Pb Free / RHFLeadFree Conversion DateEFRIFR(FIT)MTBF(hour)MSLMSL LF
74LVC1G99GNSOT1116Reel 7" Q1/T1Active74LVC1G99GN,115 (9352 889 87115)YF74LVC1G99GNAlways Pb-free123.83.872.58E811
74LVC1G99DPSOT505-2Reel 7" Q3/T4, ReverseActive74LVC1G99DP,125 (9352 844 35125)V9974LVC1G99DPAlways Pb-free123.83.872.58E811
74LVC1G99GSSOT1203Reel 7" Q1/T1Active74LVC1G99GS,115 (9352 927 96115)YF74LVC1G99GSAlways Pb-free123.83.872.58E811
74LVC1G99GTSOT833-1Reel 7" Q1/T1Active74LVC1G99GT,115 (9352 844 37115)V9974LVC1G99GTAlways Pb-free123.83.872.58E811
74LVC1G99GDSOT996-2Reel 7" Q3/T4, ReverseActive74LVC1G99GD,125 (9352 918 83125)V9974LVC1G99GDAlways Pb-free123.83.872.58E811
74LVC1G99GFSOT1089Reel 7" Q1/T1Active74LVC1G99GF,115 (9352 905 08115)YF74LVC1G99GFAlways Pb-free123.83.872.58E811
74LVC1G99GMSOT902-2Reel 7" Q3/T4, ReverseActive74LVC1G99GM,125 (9352 844 38125)V9974LVC1G99GMAlways Pb-free123.83.872.58E811
Ultra-configurable multiple function gate; 3-state 74LVC1G99GT
Logic selection guide 2016 74LVC_H_245A_Q100
Sorting through the low voltage logic maze 74LVC_H_245A_Q100
PicoGate Logic footprints NX3L4684
MicroPak soldering information NTS0102_Q100
Pin FMEA for LVC family 74LVC1G123_Q100
Package lead inductance considerations in high-speed applications 74LVC_H_245A_Q100
ロジック製品セレクションガイド... 74LVC_H_245A_Q100
74LVC1G99 IBIS model 74LVC1G99GT
MAR_SOT1089 Topmark pca9306
MAR_SOT1116 Topmark 74AXP2T3407GN
MAR_SOT1203 Topmark 74AXP2T3407GS
MAR_SOT833 Topmark NCX2222
extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals pca9306
XSON8; Reel pack; SMD, 7" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,115 or X Ordering... pca9306
SOT1116 74AXP2T3407GN
Reel 7" Q1/T1 74AXP2T3407GN
SOT1203 74AXP2T3407GS
Reel 7" Q1/T1 74AXP2T3407GS
plastic thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3 mm; lead length 0.5 mm 74LVC3G17_Q100
TSSOP8: Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... 74LVC3G17_Q100
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 1 x 1.95 x 0.5 mm NCX2222
Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115 NCX2222
Plastic extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 8 terminals pca9509agm
XQFN8(U); Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... pca9509agm
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 3 x 2 x 0.5 mm 74AHC_T_3G14_Q100
XSON8(U); Reel pack, Reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... 74AHC_T_3G14_Q100