NX18P3001UK: Bidirectional power switch for charger and USB-OTG combinations

The NX18P3001 is an advanced bidirectional power switch and ESD- protection device for combined USB-OTG and charger port applications. It includes undervoltage lockout, overvoltage lockout and overtemperature protection circuits designed to automatically isolate the power switch terminals when a fault condition occurs.

The device features two power switch input/output terminals (VBUSI and VBUSO), an open-drain acknowledge output (ACK), an enable input which includes logic level translation (EN) and low capacitance Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) type ESD clamps for USB data and ID pins.

When EN is set HIGH the device enters a low-power mode, disabling all protection circuits. When used in combined charger and USB-OTG applications the 30 V tolerant VBUSI switch terminal is used as the supply and switch input when charging, for USB-OTG the VBUSO switch terminal is used as the supply and switch input.

Designed for operation from 3.2 V to 17.5 V, it is used in battery charging and power domain isolation applications to reduce power dissipation and extend battery life.

Data Sheets (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Bi-directional high-side power switch for charger and USB-OTG combined applications (REV 1.0) PDF (283.0 kB) NX18P300124 Sep 2013
Application Notes (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Pin FMEA for NX5P/NX18P3001 bidirectional high-side power switches for chargers and USB-OTG combined applications (REV 1.0) PDF (46.0 kB) AN1140423 Jan 2014
White Papers (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
NXP® Load Switch Basics (REV 1.0) PDF (348.0 kB) NXP_LOAD_SWITCH_BASICS17 Nov 2015
Ordering Information
ProductStatusFamilyVCC (V)FunctionLogic switching levelsDescriptionRON (mOhm)ISW (A)tON (ms)RdchPower dissipation considerationsTamb (Cel)Rth(j-a) (K/W)Ψth(j-top) (K/W)Rth(j-c) (K/W)No of pinsPackage name
NX18P3001UKActiveNX3.2 - 17.5low thresholdbidirectional high-side power switch for combined charger and USB-OTG applications623.01.5very low-40~857373
Package Information
Product IDPackage DescriptionOutline VersionReflow/Wave SolderingPackingProduct StatusPart NumberOrdering code(12NC)MarkingChemical ContentRoHS / Pb Free / RHFLeadFree Conversion DateMSLMSL LF
NX18P3001UKActiveNX18P3001UKZ (9353 022 23012)Standard MarkingNX18P3001UKAlways Pb-free11
Bi-directional high-side power switch for charger and USB-OTG combined applications nx18p3001uk
Pin FMEA for NX5P/NX18P3001 bidirectional high-side power switches for chargers and USB-OTG combined applications nx5p3001uk