OM5569: Demoboards for NFC connected tag chips

NXP’s demo boards for connected tags are an all-in-one demonstration/development resource for connected tags. Designed to emulate using an connected tag chip in an embedded electronic system, the kit centers around a multi-purpose microprocessor-based development/demo board, and includes a full complement of hardware and software tools to support investigation of the chip operation, the RF communication link, and the I²C serial bus connected link; perform a variety of demonstrations; and develop/test your own applications.

For each and every NXP connected tag there is a specific demo board available to show the unique features of each product.




Demo and Evaluation Kit for NTAG I²C


Explorer Kit to evaluate NTAG I²C plus and simple prototyping


Extended Explorer Kit (OM5569-NT322E) including NFC Reader for NTAG I²C plus


Add-on Flex Antenna Kit may be used with Explorer Kit (OM5569-NT322E / OM5569-NT322ER) mainboard or your own microcontroller for easy prototyping with NTAG I²C plus

Demoboards for NFC connected tag chips
Demonstrator kit for NFC connected tag chips
NTAG® I²C demo application for Android nt3h1201w0fhk
What NFC means for smart factories, intelligent supply chains, and Industry 4.0 OM5569
NTAG I²C Demo Kit design files including firmware OM5569
Android App Source code NTAG I²C 1.7.0 OM5569
NTAG I²C design file antenna board OM5569