OM6275:NXP I²C demonstration board 2005-1 kit

The I²C Demonstration Board 2005-1 is an I²C-based system that allows field application engineers, designers, and educators to use their Personal Computer (PC) to easily test, demonstrate, and experiment with I²C interface devices. The demonstration board is a valuable training tool that allows multiple operations to be performed in a setting similar to a real system environment.

As the inventor and world leader in I²C devices, we have a vast portfolio of I²C interface products used to control, expand, and interconnect I²C-bus systems. These products include general purpose I/O expanders, LED blinkers/dimmers/controllers, repeaters/hubs/extenders, real-time clock/calendars, temperature sensors, DIP switches, multiplexers and switches, bus controllers, and serial EEPROMs.

  • USB-based solution
  • PC software for easy, point-and-click device control
  • I²C logic devices in nine general purpose categories
  • I²C speeds up to 400 kHz
  • Software-controllable 3.3- and 5-V power supplies
  • External Temperature Sensor. The remote channel of the SA56004 can monitor a diode junction such as the substrate PNP of a microprocessor or a diode-connected transistor such as a 2N3904 (NPN) or 2N3906 (PNP). With factory trimming, remote sensor accuracy of ±1 °C is achieved.
I²C Demonstration Board 2005-1

The demonstration board is a 9.5 cm x 14 cm, 2-layer printed circuit board that includes the I²C slave products described in the products tab. A standard USB port provides bi-directional communication with the I²C devices allowing easy manipulation of the I²C devices without the need for an external power supply. An on-board LED illuminates after the USB host has successfully enumerated it. The Win-I2CUSB Lite software runs on Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, or XP and is compatible with any PC hardware having a minimum of a Pentium processor and an USB port.

Win-I2CUSB Lite software
Win-I2CUSB software
Ordering Information

Future daughter cards for the I²C Demonstration Board 2005-1 are planned as new I²C interface products are released. The Win-I2CUSB Lite software will be updated to include support for these new products. Updates to the software can be made automatically using the update feature included in the software. The first two daughter cards planned will be for the PCA9698 40-Bit Fm+ Advanced I/O Port and for the PCA9633 4-Bit Fm+ LED Controller. Current owners of the I²C Demonstration Board 2005-1 Kit will have options to automatically be sent future daughter cards or to request specific daughter cards for products of interest.


OM6275 PCB

OM6275 screenshot software

schematics_2005_1_OM6275I2C Demonstration Board 2005-1 Board Schematics for OM6275Application diagrampdf2013-11-28
Win_I2CUSB_Lite_V5313_for_Win64_OM6275Win64 GUI Install Package for OM6275Softwarezip2013-11-28
Win_I2CUSB_Lite_V5313_for_Win32_OM6275Win32 GUI Install Package for OM6275Softwarezip2013-11-28
training_module_1_to_9Training module 1 to 9 for OM6275Training moduleszip2013-11-29
UM10206I2C Demonstration Board 2005-1 Quick Start GuideUser manualpdf2006-06-12
型号订购码 (12NC)可订购的器件编号产品状态
OM62759352 830 54598OM6275,598Active
PCA9531D8-bit I2C-bus LED dimmerProduction
PCA9536D4-bit I2C-bus and SMBus I/O portProduction
PCA9538D8-bit I²C-bus and SMBus low power I/O port with interrupt and resetProduction
PCA9540BD2-channel I²C-bus multiplexerProduction
PCA9541D2-to-1 I2C-bus master selector with interrupt logic and resetEnd of Life
PCA9543AD2-channel I²C-bus switch with interrupt logic and resetProduction
PCA9551D8-bit I2C-bus LED driver with programmable blink ratesProduction
PCF85116-3TEnd of Life
PCF8574TSRemote 8-bit I/O expander for I²C‑bus with interruptProduction
SA56004EDSMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local digital temperature sensor with overtemperature alarmsProduction
Win64 GUI Install Package for OM6275Software2013-11-28
Win32 GUI Install Package for OM6275Software2013-11-28
I2C Demonstration Board 2005-1 Board Schematics for OM6275 OM6275
Training module 1 to 9 for OM6275 OM6275
I2C Demonstration Board 2005-1 Quick Start Guide pca9685pw
Win32 GUI Install Package for OM6275 OM6275
Win64 GUI Install Package for OM6275 OM6275