PCA9601D: Dual bidirectional bus buffer

The PCA9601 is designed to isolate I²C-bus capacitance, allowing long buses to be driven in point-to-point or multipoint applications of up to 4000 pF. The PCA9601 is a higher-speed version of the P82B96 and a higher drive version of the PCA9600 that allows many more Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) slaves on remote daughter cards in applications with temperature range of 0 °C to 85 °C.

It creates a non-latching, bidirectional, logic interface between a normal I²C-bus and a range of other higher capacitance or different voltage bus configurations. It can operate at speeds up to at least 1 MHz, and the high drive side is compatible with the Fast-mode Plus specifications.

The PCA9601 features temperature-stabilized logic voltage levels at its SX/SY interface making it suitable for interfacing with buses that have non I²C-bus-compliant logic levels such as SMBus, PMBus, or with microprocessors that use those same TTL logic levels.

15 mA drive capability over 0 °C to 85 °C at SX/SY allows driving a 5 V Fm+ bus with 470 pF loading.

The separation of the bidirectional I²C-bus signals into unidirectional TX and RX signals enables the SDA and SCL signals to be transmitted via balanced transmission lines (twisted pairs), or with galvanic isolation using opto or magnetic coupling. The TX and RX signals may be connected together to provide a normal bidirectional signal.

Data Sheets (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Dual bidirectional bus buffer (REV 3.0) PDF (334.0 kB) PCA960124 Sep 2015
Application Notes (2)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Very large I2C-bus systems and long buses (REV 1.0) PDF (216.0 kB) AN1108426 Oct 2011
Opto-electrical isolation of the I2C-bus (operating the bus between points with different local ground potential) (REV 1.0) PDF (398.0 kB) AN1036424 Nov 2010
Package Information (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mm (REV 1.0) PDF (244.0 kB) SOT96-108 Feb 2016
Packing (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
SO8; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering... (REV 2.0) PDF (232.0 kB) SOT96-1_11819 Apr 2013
Supporting Information (3)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Wave Soldering Profile (REV 1.0) PDF (20.0 kB) WAVE_SOLDERING_PROFILE30 Sep 2013
Footprint for reflow soldering (REV 1.0) PDF (9.0 kB) SO-SOJ-REFLOW08 Oct 2009
Footprint for wave soldering (REV 1.0) PDF (8.0 kB) SO-SOJ-WAVE08 Oct 2009
Ordering Information
ProductStatusPackage versionApplicationEnableFunctionOperating Temperature (Cel)Number of bitsVoltage Translation Range (V)Operating voltage (VDC)Operating voltage 2 (V)InputsOutputsTTL Drive (mA)GTL Drive (mA)I2C-bus (kHz)
Package Information
Product IDPackage DescriptionOutline VersionReflow/Wave SolderingPackingProduct StatusPart NumberOrdering code(12NC)MarkingChemical ContentRoHS / Pb Free / RHFLeadFree Conversion DateEFRIFR(FIT)MTBF(hour)MSLMSL LF
Reel 13" Q1/T1ActivePCA9601D,118 (9352 908 58118)Standard MarkingPCA9601DAlways Pb-free0.02.04.6E411
Dual bidirectional bus buffer pca9601
Opto-electrical isolation of the I2C-bus (operating the bus between points with different local ground potential) pca9601
Very large I2C-bus systems and long buses pca9601
Footprint for reflow soldering NPIC6C596A_Q100
Footprint for wave soldering NPIC6C596A_Q100
plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mm CBT3306_Q100
SO8; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering... CBT3306_Q100
Reflow_Soldering_Profile Wave_Soldering_Profile LPC1112FD20