PCF8582C-2:带有I2C总线接口的256 x 8位CMOS EEPROM

PCF8582C-2是一款浮动门控电可擦可编程只读存储器(EEPROM),具备2 kbits(256 x 8位)非易失性存储器。通过使用内部冗余存储代码,对单个位元错误有容错功能。相比传统的EEPROM,此功能显著提升了可靠性。由于使用全CMOS技术,所以功耗很低。使用电压倍增器片上生成编程电压。



    • 低功率CMOS:
      • 2.0 mA最大工作电流
      • 最大待机电流为10 uA(6.0 V时),典型为4 uA
    • 2.0 mA最大工作电流
    • 最大待机电流为10 uA(6.0 V时),典型为4 uA
    • 组织为256 x 8位的2 kbits非易失性存储器
    • 单电源,满负载工作低至2.5 V
    • 片上电压倍增器
    • 串行输入/输出I²C总线
    • 写入操作:
      • 字节写入模式
      • 8字节页面写入模式(每个字节的总写入时间最小化)
    • 字节写入模式
    • 8字节页面写入模式(每个字节的总写入时间最小化)
    • 读取操作:
      • 连续读取
      • 随机读取
    • 连续读取
    • 随机读取
    • 用于写入的内部定时器(无外部组件)
    • 内部上电复位
    • 0 kHz至100 kHz时钟频率
    • 通过使用冗余存储代码实现高可靠性
    • 承受:Tamb = 22Cel时为1,000,000个擦除/写入(E/W)周期
    • 10年非易失性数据保留时间
    • 引脚和地址兼容:PCF8570、PCF8571、PCF8572、PCA8581和PCF85102
    • 引脚兼容(不同地址)PCF85103
    • ESD保护:按JESD22-A114超过2000 V HBM,按JESD22-A115超过150 V MM,按JESD22-C101超过1000 V CDM
    • 已按照JEDEC标准JESD78完成闭锁测试,超过100 mA
    • 提供DIP8和SO8封装。
Block diagram: PCF8582C-2P, PCF8582C-2T
型号Package version
型号封装Outline versionReflow-/Wave soldering包装产品状态标示可订购的器件编号, (订购码 (12NC))
Reel 13" Q1/T1量产8582C-2PCF8582C-2T/03,118( 9351 917 10118 )
Bulk Pack量产8582C-2PCF8582C-2T/03,112( 9351 917 10112 )
型号可订购的器件编号RoHS / RHF无铅转换日期EFRIFR (FIT)MTBF(小时)潮湿敏感度等级MSL LF
PCF8582C-2T/03PCF8582C-2T/03,118week 11, 20050.03.03.33E811
PCF8582C-2T/03PCF8582C-2T/03,112week 11, 20050.03.03.33E811
PCF8582C_2 (中文)256 x 8-bit CMOS EEPROM with I2C-bus interfaceData sheetpdf2004-10-25
AN10216I2C manualApplication notepdf2003-03-27
AN96007P83CE258 for High-End RDS/EON Car Radio System CCR520S V2.5Application notepdf1996-02-01
AN96022High-End RDS/EON Car Radio System CCR520S (V2.6)Application notepdf1996-03-15
AN10146I2C 2002-1A Evaluation BoardApplication notepdf2003-02-26
AN44287c751 Bus-Controlled MonitorApplication notepdf1991-12-01
75016018Combination GPIO expanders and EEPROMs for smaller boards; NXP 8-bit I2C/SMBus GPIO expanders with 2-K EEPROM PCA9500/01Leafletpdf2007-06-01
75016531Evaluate the I2C-bus with a comprehensive kit; NXP I2C 2002-1A evaluation board kits OM6285 and OM6278Leafletpdf2008-07-01
75017540NXP I2C-bus solutions 2014: Smart, simple solutions for the 12 most common design concernsLeafletpdf2014-08-01
design_con_2003_tecforum_i2c_bus_overviewDesignCon 2003 TecForum I 2 C Bus OverviewOther typepdf2003-01-27
UM10204I2C-bus specification and user manualUser manualpdf2014-04-28
UM10206I2C Demonstration Board 2005-1 Quick Start GuideUser manualpdf2006-06-12
SOT96-1_518SO8; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending, 518 or Y Ordering code (12NC) ending 518Packingpdf2014-06-02
SOT96-1_515SO8; Reel dry pack; SMD, 7" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending, 515 or Z Ordering code (12NC) ending 515Packingpdf2015-04-17
SO-SOJ-REFLOWFootprint for reflow solderingReflow solderingpdf2009-10-08
SO-SOJ-WAVEFootprint for wave solderingWave solderingpdf2009-10-08
sot096-1_poplastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mmOutline drawingpdf2009-10-08
SOT96-1_118SO8; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering code (12NC) ending 118Packingpdf2013-04-19
SOT96-1_115Tape reel SMD; standard product orientation 12NC ending 115Packingpdf2012-11-23
Wave_Soldering_ProfileWave Soldering ProfileWave solderingpdf2013-09-30
型号订购码 (12NC)可订购的器件编号
PCF8582C-2T/039351 917 10118PCF8582C-2T/03,118
PCF8582C-2T/039351 917 10112PCF8582C-2T/03,112
256 x 8-bit CMOS EEPROM with I2C-bus interface pcf8582c-2t
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Reflow_Soldering_Profile Wave_Soldering_Profile LPC1112FD20