数据手册DataSheet 下载SA56004FD SMBus兼容型8针脚远程/本地数字温度传感器,带过温警报.pdf

恩智浦半导体的SA56004X是一款SMBus兼容型11位远程/本地数字温度传感器,带过温警报功能。SA56004X的远程通道可监控微处理器的基板PNP等二极管结点,或者监控2N3904 (NPN)或2N3906 (PNP)等连接二极管的晶体管。经工厂调整后,远程传感器的精度可达±1 °C。



  • 精确感测远程微处理器热二极管或连接二极管的晶体管温度,准确度为±1 °C
  • 片内本地温度感测准确度:±2 °C
  • 温度范围:−40 °C至+125 °C
  • 11位、0.125 °C分辨率
  • 提供8个不同的器件地址,用于服务器应用。SA56004ED标记代码为56004E,SA56004EDP标记代码为6004E;这两款器件与National LM86、MAX6657/8和ADM1032地址兼容
  • 偏置寄存器可用于调节远程温度精度
  • 可编程欠温/过温警报:ALERTT_CRIT
  • SMBus 2.0兼容型接口,支持TIMEOUT
  • 工作电压范围:3.0 V至3.6 V
  • 兼容I²C总线标准模式和快速模式
  • 可编程转换速率:0.0625 Hz至26 Hz
  • 欠压闭锁功能避免温度读数错误
  • 完成JEDEC标准JESD78闩锁测试,超过100 mA
  • 笔记本电脑、台式电脑、服务器和工作站的系统温度管理
  • 计算机和办公电子设备
  • 电子测试设备和仪器
  • HVAC
  • 工业控制器和嵌入式系统
订购型号封装Outline versionReflow-/Wave soldering包装产品状态标示订购器件的编号
SA56004FDSO8 (SOT96-1)sot096-1_poSO-SOJ-REFLOW
Tape reel smd激活56004FDSA56004FD,118( 9352 745 51118 )
订购型号订购器件的编号RoHS / RHF无铅开始日期EFRIFR (FIT)MTBF(小时)潮湿敏感度等级MSL LF
SA56004FDSA56004FD,118week 11, 20050.04.02.5E811
SA56004FDSA56004FD,112week 11, 20050.04.02.5E811
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75015962:High-precision digital temp sensor with programmable over/under-temp alarms; NXP SMBus/I2C-bus digital temp sensor SA56004xLeafletpdf2007-05-01
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75015693:I2C-bus temperature sensors; Small, accurate, low-cost sensors for advanced temperature regulationSelection guidepdf2006-11-01
UM10204:I2C-bus specification and user manualUser manualpdf2014-04-28
UM10206:I2C Demonstration Board 2005-1 Quick Start GuideUser manualpdf2006-06-12
UM10204_JA:I2C-bus specification and user manualUser manualpdf2013-04-03
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SO-SOJ-REFLOW:Footprint for reflow solderingReflow solderingpdf2009-10-08
SO-SOJ-WAVE:Footprint for wave solderingWave solderingpdf2009-10-08
sot096-1_po:plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mmOutline drawingpdf2009-10-08
SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local digital temperature sensor with overtemperature alarms sa56004x
I2C-bus temperature sensors; Small, accurate, low-cost sensors for advanced temperature regulation se95u
High-precision digital temp sensor with programmable over/under-temp alarms; NXP® SMBus/I2C-bus digital... sa56004x
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I2C manual se98apw
Digital temperature sensor accuracy explained se95u
Level shifting techniques in I2C-bus design pca9685pw
Improved timekeeping accuracy with PCF8563 using external temperature sensor sa56004x
Footprint for reflow soldering NPIC6C596A_Q100
Footprint for wave soldering NPIC6C596A_Q100
plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mm CBT3306_Q100
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I2C-bus specification and user manual pca9685pw
I2C-bus specification and user manual pca9685pw
I2C Demonstration Board 2005-1 Quick Start Guide pca9685pw
Reflow_Soldering_Profile Wave_Soldering_Profile LPC1112FD20