SA612AD: Double-balanced mixer and oscillator

The SA612A is a low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer with on-board oscillator and voltage regulator. It is intended for low cost, low power communication systems with signal frequencies to 500 MHz and local oscillator frequencies as high as 200 MHz. The mixer is a 'Gilbert cell' multiplier configuration which provides gain of 14 dB or more at 45 MHz.

The oscillator can be configured for a crystal, a tuned tank operation, or as a buffer for an external L.O. Noise figure at 45 MHz is typically below 6 dB and makes the device well suited for high performance cordless phone/cellular radio. The low power consumption makes the SA612A excellent for battery operated equipment. Networking and other communications products can benefit from very low radiated energy levels within systems. The SA612A is available in an 8-lead SO (surface-mounted miniature package).

SA612AD: Product Block Diagram
Data Sheets (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Double-balanced mixer and oscillator (REV 3.0) PDF (1.5 MB) SA612A04 Jun 2014
Brochures (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
RF/IF building blocks for niche handheld devices (REV 1.0) PDF (3.5 MB) 7501754803 Sep 2014
Package Information (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mm (REV 1.0) PDF (244.0 kB) SOT96-108 Feb 2016
Packing (1)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
SO8; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering... (REV 2.0) PDF (232.0 kB) SOT96-1_11819 Apr 2013
Supporting Information (3)
Name/DescriptionModified Date
Wave Soldering Profile (REV 1.0) PDF (20.0 kB) WAVE_SOLDERING_PROFILE30 Sep 2013
Footprint for reflow soldering (REV 1.0) PDF (9.0 kB) SO-SOJ-REFLOW08 Oct 2009
Footprint for wave soldering (REV 1.0) PDF (8.0 kB) SO-SOJ-WAVE08 Oct 2009
Ordering Information
ProductStatusPackage nameRF-IF functionRF frequency [max] (MHz)IF bandwidth [max]VCC [min] (V)VCC [max] (V)ICC [max] (mA)Mixer gain [min] (dB)Mixer Noise Figure [typ] (dB)12 dB SINAD fdev=8 kHz (dBm)12 dB SINAD fdev=125 kHz (dBm)12 dB SINAD fdev=288 kHz (dBm)Data rate (Mbps)Data rate (kbps)RSSI dynamic range [typ] (dB)
SA612AD/01ActiveSO8Mixer5004.583@6 V145@45 MHz
SA612ADNo Longer ManufacturedSO8Mixer5004.583@6 V145@45 MHz
Package Information
Product IDPackage DescriptionOutline VersionReflow/Wave SolderingPackingProduct StatusPart NumberOrdering code(12NC)MarkingChemical ContentRoHS / Pb Free / RHFLeadFree Conversion DateEFRIFR(FIT)MTBF(hour)MSLMSL LF
Reel 13" Q1/T1ActiveSA612AD/01,118 (9352 752 63118)SA612ASA612AD/01week 12, 20050.02.05E811
Bulk PackActiveSA612AD/01,112 (9352 752 63112)SA612ASA612AD/01week 12, 20050.02.05E811
Double-balanced mixer and oscillator SA612AD
RF/IF building blocks for niche handheld devices SA639DH
Footprint for reflow soldering NPIC6C596A_Q100
Footprint for wave soldering NPIC6C596A_Q100
plastic small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3.9 mm CBT3306_Q100
SO8; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering... CBT3306_Q100
Reflow_Soldering_Profile Wave_Soldering_Profile LPC1112FD20