NB7L14MNGEVB: Differential Fanout Buffer Evaluation Board

The NB7L14 is a differential 1:4 LVPECL fanout buffer. The NB7L14 produces four identical LVPECL output copies of Clock or Data operating up to 7 GHz or 10.7 Gb/s, respectively.As such, the NB7L14 is ideal for SONET, GigE, Fiber Channel, Backplane and other Clock or Data distribution applications.

Evaluation/Development Tool Information
ProductStatusComplianceShort DescriptionParts Used
NB7L14MNGEVBActivePb-freeDifferential Fanout Buffer Evaluation BoardNB7L14MNG
Technical Documents
TypeDocument TitleDocument ID/SizeRev
Eval Board: ManualNB7L14MNGEVB ManualEVBUM2184/D - 621.0 KB0
EVBUM2184/D - 621 NB7L14MNGEVB