T3035H:High-temperature 30A Triacs

Specifically designed to operate at 150 °C, the 30 A T3035H, T3050H Triacs provide very high dynamic and enhanced performance in terms of power loss and thermal dissipation. This allows the heatsink size optimization, leading to space and cost effectiveness when compared to electro-mechanical solutions.

Based on ST Snubberless™ technology, they offer a specified minimal commutation and high noise immunity levels valid up to the Tj max.

These devices safely optimize the control of universal motors and of inductive loads found in power tools and major appliances.

By using an internal ceramic pad, they provide voltage insulation (rated at 2500 VRMS).

Key Features

  • High current Triac
  • High immunity level
  • Low thermal resistance with clip bonding
  • Very high 3 quadrant commutation at 150 °C capability
  • Packages are RoHS (2002/95/EC) compliant
  • UL certified (ref. file E81734)
Product Specifications
DS6689: 30 A high temperature Snubberless™ Triacs6.0562 KB
Application Notes
AN2986: AC switch triggering with 3.3 V power supply1.3337 KB
AN4564: Is a positive power supply mandatory for my application, or could a negative output work also?1.0384 KB
AN2703: Parameter list for SCRs, TRIACs, AC switches, and DIACS2.599 KB
AN302: Thyristors and TRIACs: holding current - an important parameter3.3138 KB
Technical Notes & Articles
TN1173: Packing information for IPAD™, protection, rectifiers, thyristors and AC Switches4.0330 KB
HW Model & CAD Libraries
H series high-temperature Triacs PSpice model (.lib) and symbols (.olb)3.013 KB
H Series TRIACs : high application robustness 150°C TRIACs1.0477 KB
High-temperature Triacs1.1293 KB
Selection Guides
Thyristors, Triacs, AC switches and A.S.D™ selection guide2.01 MB
Sample & Buy
Part NumberPackagePacking TypeUnit Price (US$) *QuantityJunction Temperature (°C) (max)ECCN (EU)ECCN (US)Country of Origin
T3035H-6ITO-220AB InsTube1.6881000150NECEAR99CHINA
Quality & Reliability
Part NumberPackageGradeRoHS Compliance GradeMaterial Declaration**
T3035H-6TTO-220ABIndustrialEcopack2 (**)md_vp-wspc-to-wspc-220-wspc-ni-wspc-clip_7bvp-wspc-a21b450.pdf
T3035H-6ITO-220AB InsIndustrialEcopack2 (**)md_vt-wspc-7bvt-wspc-a21c450_-wspc-to-wspc-220-wspc-i-wspc-clip.pdf
30 A high temperature Snubberless™ Triacs T3050H
Parameter list for SCRs, TRIACs, AC switches, and DIACS FLC21
AC switch triggering with 3.3 V power supply ACS102-6T
Thyristors and TRIACs: holding current - an important parameter T1635T-8FP
Is a positive power supply mandatory for my application, or could a negative output work also? VIPER16
Packing information for IPAD™, protection, rectifiers, thyristors and AC Switches T1250H
Packing information for IPAD™, protection, rectifiers, thyristors and AC Switches T1250H
Packing information for IPAD™, protection, rectifiers, thyristors and AC Switches T1250H
md_vp-wspc-to-wspc-220-wspc-ni-wspc-clip_7bvp-wspc-a21b450.pdf T3035H
md_vp-wspc-to-wspc-220-wspc-ni-wspc-clip_7bvp-wspc-a21b450.xml T3035H
md_vt-wspc-7bvt-wspc-a21c450_-wspc-to-wspc-220-wspc-i-wspc-clip.pdf T3035H
md_vt-wspc-7bvt-wspc-a21c450_-wspc-to-wspc-220-wspc-i-wspc-clip.xml T3035H
Packing information for IPAD™, protection, rectifiers, thyristors and AC Switches FLC21
Packing information for IPAD™, protection, rectifiers, thyristors and AC Switches FLC21