TMS570LS3137-EP 16 位和 32 位 RISC 闪存微控制器 (Rev. C) TMS570LS3137-EP
Continuous Monitor of the PLL Frequency With the DCC TMS570LS3137-EP
Hercules SCI With DMA LAUNCHXL2-RM46
Sine Wave Generation Using PWM With Hercules N2HET and HTU HET_IDE
Triangle/Trapezoid Wave Generation Using PWM With Hercules N2HET HET_IDE
Triggering ADC Using Internal Timer Events on Hercules MCUs HET_IDE
High Speed Serial Bus Using the MibSPIP Module on Hercules-Based MCUs TMS570LS3137-EP
Using the SPI as an Extra UART Transmitter TMS570LS3137-EP
Using the CRC Module on Hercules™-Based Microcontrollers TMS570LS3137-EP
TMS570LS31x/21x 16/32-Bit RISC Flash Microcontroller Technical Reference Manual HERCULES-DSPLIB
Foundational Software for Functional Safety HERCULES-DSPLIB
TMS570LS31x/21x Microcontroller Silicon Errata (Silicon Revision C) TMS570LS3137-EP
TMS5703137CGWTMEP Reliability Report TMS570LS3137-EP