The TC32M is a fully-integrated processor supervisor in a 3-pin package. It provides three important functions to safeguard processor sanity: precision power on/off RESET control, watchdog timer and external RESET override. On power-up, the TC32M holds the processor in the reset state for a minimum of 500msec after VDD is within tolerance to ensure a stable system start-up. Microprocessor sanity is monitored by the on-board watchdog circuit. The microprocessor must provide a high-to-low level shift (through an external resistor divider) on the RS pin of the TC32M. Should the processor fail to supply this signal within the specified timeout period (typically 700msec), an out-of-control processor is indicated and the TC32M issues a processor reset as a result. The output of the TC32M can be wire-ORed with a push-button switch (or electronic signal) to override the TC32M and unconditionally reset the processor. When connected to a push-button switch, the TC32M provides contact debounce. The TC32M is packaged in a space-saving TO-92 or SOT-223 package. It provides all of the functionality of the industry standard TC1232 in a smaller, lower cost configuration.

  • Incorporates the Functionality of the Industry Standard TC1232 (Processor Monitor, Watchdog and Manual Override RESET Controller) into a Small, Lower Cost Package
  • Guards Against Unstable Processor Operation Resulting from Power "Brown-Out"
  • Automatically Halts and Restarts an Out-of-Control Microprocessor
  • Output can be Wire-ORed, or Hooked to Manual RESET Push-button Switch
Parameter Name Value Value
Watchdog Timer Yes Yes
Typical Reset Pulse Width (ms) 500 500
Reset Type Active Low Active Low
Typical Supply Current (uA) 50 50
Vcc Range Min (V) 4.5 4.5
Vcc Range Max (V) 5.5 5.5
Output Open-Drain Open-Drain
Temp Range Min. (°C) -40 -40
Temp Range Max. (°C) +85 +85
Nominal Reset Voltage (V) 4.25 4.25
TC32M Data SheetData Sheets02/05/2013145KB
AN686 - Understanding and Using Supervisory CircuitsAppNote05/13/200384KB
AN820 - System Supervisors in ICSP™ ArchitecturesAppNote10/05/2006111KB
Analog & Interface Guide (Volume 2)Brochures10/11/20051067KB
Quick Guide to Microchip Development ToolsBrochures10/15/201411223KB
Microcontroller Supervisor Family Product OverviewProduct Line Documents06/13/200691KB
Analog & Interface Product Selector GuideProduct Line Card03/21/20164116KB
Part NumberLeadsPackage TypeTemp RangePacking1+26+100+1000+5000+
TC32MCDB3SOT-2230C to +70CTUBE2.271.891.721.431.32
TC32MCDB7133SOT-2230C to +70CT/R2.271.891.721.431.32
TC32MCZB3TO-920C to +70CBAG2.011.671.521.271.17
TC32MEDB3SOT-223-40C to +85CTUBE2.381.981.801.501.38
TC32MEDB7133SOT-223-40C to +85CT/R2.381.981.801.501.38
TC32MEZB3TO-92-40C to +85CBAG2.141.781.621.351.25
TC32MEZB0.2034000.2190003TO-92-Matte Tine3
TC32MCZB0.2034000.2190003TO-92-Matte Tine3
TC32MCDB0.1157000.2179493SOT-223-Matte Tine3
TC32MCDB7130.1157000.2192503SOT-223-Matte Tine3
TC32MEDB0.1157000.2179493SOT-223-Matte Tine3
TC32MEDB7130.1157000.2192503SOT-223-Matte Tine3
TC32M Data Sheet TC32M
AN686 MCP112
Analog & Interface Product Selector Guide ENC624J600
Microcontroller Supervisor Family Product Overview TCM810
Analog & Interface Guide (Volume 2) MCP23S08
Quick Guide to Microchip Development Tools ENC28J60
AN820 MCP112