74AUP2G58:Low-power dual PCB configurable multiple function gate

The 74AUP2G58 is a dual configurable multiple function gate with Schmitt-trigger inputs. Each gate within the device can be configured as any of the following logic functions AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, inverter and buffer; using the 3-bit input. All inputs can be connected directly to VCC or GND.

This device ensures very low static and dynamic power consumption across the entire VCC range from 0.8 V to 3.6 V.

This device is fully specified for partial power down applications using IOFF. The IOFF circuitry disables the output, preventing the potentially damaging backflow current through the device when it is powered down.

    • Wide supply voltage range from 0.8 V to 3.6 V
    • High noise immunity
    • ESD protection:
      • HBM JESD22-A114F exceeds 5000 V
      • MM JESD22-A115-A exceeds 200 V
      • CDM JESD22-C101E exceeds 1000 V
    • HBM JESD22-A114F exceeds 5000 V
    • MM JESD22-A115-A exceeds 200 V
    • CDM JESD22-C101E exceeds 1000 V
    • Low static power consumption; ICC = 0.9 μA (maximum)
    • Latch-up performance exceeds 100 mA per JESD 78 Class II
    • Inputs accept voltages up to 3.6 V
    • Low noise overshoot and undershoot < 10 % of VCC
    • IOFF circuitry provides partial power-down mode operation
    • Multiple package options
    • Specified from ‑40 °C to +85 °C and ‑40 °C to +125 °C
型号Product statusVCC (V)Logic switching levelsOutput drive capability (mA)tpd (ns)fmax (MHz)No of bitsPower dissipation considerationsTamb (Cel)Rth(j-a) (K/W)Ψth(j-top) (K/W)Package name
74AUP2G58DPDevelopment1.1 - 3.6CMOS1.9/-1.98.7702ultra low-40~12512030.0
74AUP2G58GFProduction1.1 - 3.6CMOS1.9/-1.98.7702ultra low-40~12519297.0XSON10
74AUP2G58GMProduction1.1 - 3.6CMOS1.9/-1.98.7702ultra low-40~12517887.0XQFN10
74AUP2G58GUProduction1.1 - 3.6CMOS1.9/-1.98.7702ultra low-40~12514248.0XQFN10
型号封装Outline versionReflow-/Wave soldering包装产品状态标示可订购的器件编号, (订购码 (12NC))
74AUP2G58DP()开发中Standard Marking74AUP2G58DPJ( 9353 044 76118 )
sot1081-2_poReel 7" Q1/T1量产aK74AUP2G58GFX( 9353 044 77115 )
sot1160-1_posot1160-1_frReel 7" Q1/T1量产aK74AUP2G58GUX( 9353 044 79115 )
型号可订购的器件编号RoHS / RHF无铅转换日期潮湿敏感度等级MSL LF
74AUP2G58DP74AUP2G58DPJAlways Pb-free11
74AUP2G58GF74AUP2G58GFXAlways Pb-free11
74AUP2G58GU74AUP2G58GUXAlways Pb-free11
74AUP2G58 (中文)Low-power dual PCB configurable multiple function gateData sheetpdf2014-11-04
aup2g5874AUP2G58 IBIS modelIBIS modelibs2015-04-03
sot1081-2_poplastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 10 terminalsOutline drawingpdf2011-04-08
sot1049-3_poplastic, extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 10 terminalsOutline drawingpdf2011-04-08
sot1049-3_frFootprint for reflow soldering SOT1049-3Reflow solderingpdf2011-11-24
SOT1049-3_115XQFN10(U); Reel pack; SMD, 7" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,115 or X Ordering code (12NC) ending 115Packingpdf2013-04-23
SOT1160-1_115Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115Packingpdf2013-04-04
sot1160-1_poplastic, extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 10 terminalsOutline drawingpdf2010-03-25
sot1160-1_frFootprint for reflow soldering SOT1160-1Reflow solderingpdf2010-09-21
型号订购码 (12NC)可订购的器件编号
74AUP2G58DP9353 044 7611874AUP2G58DPJ
74AUP2G58GF9353 044 7711574AUP2G58GFX
74AUP2G58GU9353 044 7911574AUP2G58GUX
74AUP2G58 IBIS modelIBIS model2015-04-03
Low-power dual PCB configurable multiple function gate 74AUP2G58GU
74AUP2G58 IBIS model 74AUP2G58GU
XQFN10(U); Reel pack; SMD, 7" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,115 or... CBTL01023GM
Footprint for reflow soldering SOT1049-3 74AUP2G98
plastic, extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 10 terminals 74AUP2G98
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 10 terminals 74AUP2G98
Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115 NX5L2750CGU
Footprint for reflow soldering SOT1160-1 NTS0103GU10
plastic, extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 10 terminals NTS0103GU10