



    • 2.3 V至5.5 V的宽电源电压范围
    • 超低功耗操作
    • 极低导通电阻:
      • 8.0 Ω(典型值)(VCC = 2.7 V时)
      • 7.5 Ω(典型值)(VCC = 3.3 V时)
      • 7.3 Ω(典型值)(VCC = 5.0 V时)。
    • 8.0 Ω(典型值)(VCC = 2.7 V时)
    • 7.5 Ω(典型值)(VCC = 3.3 V时)
    • 7.3 Ω(典型值)(VCC = 5.0 V时)。
    • 与5 V逻辑器件连接的5 V容压输入
    • 高抗噪性
    • 开关可以通过32mA电流
    • CMOS低功耗
    • 锁存性能超过250 mA
    • 结合了过压容限模拟开关技术
    • 开关可接受高达5.5 V的电压而不受VCC的影响
    • 多个封装选项
    • 指定温度范围为–40 ℃至+85 ℃和–40 ℃至+125 ℃
Block diagram: 74LVC2G66DC, 74LVC2G66DP, 74LVC2G66GM, 74LVC2G66GT, 74LVCV2G66DC, 74LVCV2G66DP
型号Product statusConfigurationVCC (V)Logic switching levelsRON (Ohm)RON(FLAT) (Ohm)f(-3dB) (MHz)THD (%)Power dissipation considerationsTamb (Cel)Rth(j-a) (K/W)Ψth(j-top) (K/W)Package name
74LVCV2G66DCProductionSPST-NO2.3 - 5.5CMOS/LVTTL1532100.01very low-40~12520651.0VSSOP8
74LVCV2G66DPProductionSPST-NO2.3 - 5.5CMOS/LVTTL1532100.01very low-40~12512030.0TSSOP8
74LVCV2G66GDProductionSPST-NO2.3 - 5.5CMOS/LVTTL1532100.01very low-40~125251128.0XSON8
型号封装Outline versionReflow-/Wave soldering包装产品状态标示可订购的器件编号, (订购码 (12NC))
sot765-1_posot765-1_frReel 7" Q3/T4, Reverse量产Y6674LVCV2G66DC,125( 9352 744 32125 )
sot505-2_posot505-2_frReel 7" Q3/T4, Reverse量产Y6674LVCV2G66DP,125( 9352 744 31125 )
sot996-2_posot996-2_frReel 7" Q3/T4, Reverse量产Y6674LVCV2G66GD,125( 9352 868 65125 )
sot902-2_posot902-2_frReel 7" Q3/T4, Reverse量产Standard Marking74LVCV2G66GM,125( 9352 812 14125 )
sot833-1_posot833-1_frReel 7" Q1/T1量产Standard Marking74LVCV2G66GTX( 9353 062 69115 )
型号可订购的器件编号RoHS / RHF无铅转换日期EFRIFR (FIT)MTBF(小时)潮湿敏感度等级MSL LF
74LVCV2G66DC74LVCV2G66DC,125week 1, 2005123.83.872.58E811
74LVCV2G66DP74LVCV2G66DP,125week 41, 2004123.83.872.58E811
74LVCV2G66GD74LVCV2G66GD,125Always Pb-free123.83.872.58E811
74LVCV2G66GM74LVCV2G66GM,125Always Pb-free0.03.872.58E811
74LVCV2G66GT74LVCV2G66GTXAlways Pb-free11
74LVCV2G66 (中文)Overvoltage tolerant bilateral switchData sheetpdf2015-07-22
AN10161PicoGate Logic footprintsApplication notepdf2002-10-30
AN11009Pin FMEA for LVC familyApplication notepdf2011-02-04
AN10156Sorting through the low voltage logic mazeApplication notepdf2013-03-13
75017511Voltage translation: How to manage mixed-voltage designs with NXP level translatorsBrochurepdf2014-05-20
75017668Low voltage CMOS family - LVCBrochurepdf2015-07-10
75016955Evaluate fast switching of oversupply voltage signals with dual SPST analog switchLeafletpdf2013-03-04
75017059NXP Logic Demo Board KitLeafletpdf2013-04-02
sot902-2_poplastic extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 8 terminalsOutline drawingpdf2011-04-06
SOT902-2_125XQFN8(U); Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or H Ordering code (12NC) ending 125Packingpdf2013-05-02
sot902-2_frFootprint for reflow soldering SOT902-2Reflow solderingpdf2012-12-19
sot996-2_frFootprint for reflow soldering SOT996-2Reflow solderingpdf2009-10-08
sot996-2_poplastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 3 x 2 x 0.5 mmOutline drawingpdf2007-12-20
SOT996-2_125XSON8(U); Reel pack, Reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or H Ordering code (12NC) ending 125Packingpdf2013-05-02
sot833-1_frsot833-1_frReflow solderingpdf2014-10-02
sot833-1_poplastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 1 x 1.95 x 0.5 mmOutline drawingpdf2007-12-06
SOT833-1_115Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115Packingpdf2013-04-05
sot765-1_frFootprint for reflow soldering SOT765-1Reflow solderingpdf2009-10-08
sot765-1_poplastic very thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; body width 2.3 mmOutline drawingpdf2002-06-06
SOT765-1_125VSSOP8; Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or H Ordering code (12NC) ending 125Packingpdf2013-05-03
sot505-2_poplastic thin shri small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3 mm; lead length 0.5 mmOutline drawingpdf2002-01-15
sot505-2_frFootprint for reflow soldering SOT505-2Reflow solderingpdf2009-10-08
SOT505-2_125TSSOP8: Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or H Ordering code (12NC) ending 125Packingpdf2013-05-02
型号订购码 (12NC)可订购的器件编号
74LVCV2G66DC9352 744 3212574LVCV2G66DC,125
74LVCV2G66DP9352 744 3112574LVCV2G66DP,125
74LVCV2G66GD9352 868 6512574LVCV2G66GD,125
74LVCV2G66GM9352 812 1412574LVCV2G66GM,125
74LVCV2G66GT9353 062 6911574LVCV2G66GTX
Overvoltage tolerant bilateral switch 74LVCV2G66
Evaluate fast switching of oversupply voltage signals with dual SPST analog switch 74LVCV2G66
NXP® Logic Demo Board Kit NX5DV330
Voltage translation: How to manage mixed-voltage designs with NXP® level translators 74AVC16245DGG-Q100
Low voltage CMOS family - LVC 74LVC_H_245A_Q100
Sorting through the low voltage logic maze 74LVC_H_245A_Q100
PicoGate Logic footprints NX3L4684
Pin FMEA for LVC family 74LVC1G123_Q100
MAR_SOT833 Topmark NCX2222
TSSOP8: Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... 74LVC3G17_Q100
Footprint for reflow soldering SOT505-2 XC7WT14
plastic thin shri small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3 mm; lead length 0.5 mm XC7WT14
VSSOP8; Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... 74LVC3G17_Q100
Footprint for reflow soldering SOT765-1 XC7WT14
plastic very thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; body width 2.3 mm XC7WT14
Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115 NCX2222
sot833-1_fr XC7WT14
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 1 x 1.95 x 0.5 mm XC7WT14
XQFN8(U); Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... pca9509agm
Footprint for reflow soldering SOT902-2 74LVC3G17
plastic extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 8 terminals 74LVC3G17
XSON8(U); Reel pack, Reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... 74AHC_T_3G14_Q100
Footprint for reflow soldering SOT996-2 LM75B
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 3 x 2 x 0.5 mm LM75B