NTS0102: 双电源转换收发器;开漏;自动方向感应

NTS0102是2位双电源转换收发器,具有自动方向感应,实现了双向电压电平转换。其具有两个2位输入输出端口(An和Bn)、一个输出使能输入(OE) 和两个电源引脚(VCC(A)和VCC(B))。VCC(A)可以由介于1.65 V至3.6 V之间的任何电压供电,VCC(B)可以由介于2.3V至5.5 V之间的任何电压供电,这使得设备适用于任何低电压节点(1.8 V、2.5 V、3.3 V和5.0 V)之间的转换。引脚An和OE引用至VCC(A),引脚Bn引用至VCC(B)。引脚OE处的低电平使输出呈现高阻抗关断状态。该器件完全适用于部分使用IOFF的断电应用。IOFF电路禁用输出,从而防止断电时经过该设备的破坏性回流电流。

Outline 3d SOT505-2
数据手册 (3)
名称/描述Modified Date
Dual supply translating transceiver; open drain; auto direction sensing (REV 3.0) PDF (422.0 kB) NTS0102_JA_1 [English]20 May 2016
Dual supply translating transceiver; open drain; auto direction sensing (REV 1.0) PDF (228.0 kB) NTS0102_Q100 [English]27 Feb 2013
Dual supply translating transceiver; open drain; auto direction sensing (REV 4.0) PDF (388.0 kB) NTS0102 [English]23 Jan 2013
应用说明 (1)
名称/描述Modified Date
MicroPak soldering information (REV 2.0) PDF (245.0 kB) AN10343 [English]30 Dec 2010
手册 (2)
名称/描述Modified Date
電圧レベルシフタ (REV 1.1) PDF (3.1 MB) 75017511_JP [English]16 Feb 2015
Voltage translation: How to manage mixed-voltage designs with NXP® level translators (REV 1.0) PDF (2.6 MB) 75017511 [English]20 May 2014
选型工具指南 (2)
名称/描述Modified Date
Application guide: Flat-panel TV sets (REV 2.1) PDF (3.2 MB) 75017085 [English]13 Mar 2012
Application guide; Portable devices and mobile handsets (REV 2.0) PDF (15.4 MB) 75017090 [English]13 Mar 2012
封装信息 (6)
名称/描述Modified Date
plastic thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3 mm; lead length 0.5 mm (REV 1.2) PDF (239.0 kB) SOT505-2 [English]08 Jun 2016
extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals (REV 1.0) PDF (200.0 kB) SOT1089 [English]08 Feb 2016
plastic, extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 10 terminals (REV 1.0) PDF (207.0 kB) SOT1160-1 [English]08 Feb 2016
plastic, extremely thin quad flat package; no leads (REV 1.0) PDF (181.0 kB) SOT1309-1 [English]08 Feb 2016
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 1 x 1.95 x 0.5 mm (REV 1.0) PDF (201.0 kB) SOT833-1 [English]08 Feb 2016
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 3 x 2 x 0.5 mm (REV 1.0) PDF (190.0 kB) SOT996-2 [English]08 Feb 2016
包装 (5)
名称/描述Modified Date
TSSOP8: Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... (REV 5.0) PDF (210.0 kB) SOT505-2_125 [English]02 May 2013
XSON8(U); Reel pack, Reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... (REV 5.0) PDF (200.0 kB) SOT996-2_125 [English]02 May 2013
XSON8; Reel pack; SMD, 7" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,115 or X Ordering... (REV 3.0) PDF (205.0 kB) SOT1089_115 [English]23 Apr 2013
Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115 (REV 3.0) PDF (88.0 kB) SOT833-1_115 [English]05 Apr 2013
Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115 (REV 2.0) PDF (97.0 kB) SOT1160-1_115 [English]04 Apr 2013
支持信息 (2)
名称/描述Modified Date
MAR_SOT1089 Topmark (REV 1.0) PDF (76.0 kB) MAR_SOT1089 [English]03 Jun 2013
MAR_SOT833 Topmark (REV 1.0) PDF (75.0 kB) MAR_SOT833 [English]03 Jun 2013
NTS0102GUIntroduction Pending
产品编号封装说明Outline Version回流/波峰焊接包装产品状态部件编号订购码 (12NC)Marking化学成分RoHS / 无铅 / RHF无铅转换日期MSLMSL LF
NTS0102DP-Q100SOT505-2Reel 7" Q3/T4, ReverseActiveNTS0102DP-Q100H (9353 005 55125)s02NTS0102DP-Q100Always Pb-free11
NTS0102GD-Q100SOT996-2Reel 7" Q3/T4, ReverseActiveNTS0102GD-Q100H (9353 005 56125)s02NTS0102GD-Q100Always Pb-free11
NTS0102GUSOT1160-1Reel 7" Q1/T1DevelopmentNTS0102GU,115 (9352 936 75115)Standard MarkingAlways Pb-free11
NTS0102GFSOT1089Reel 7" Q1/T1ActiveNTS0102GF,115 (9352 934 89115)Standard MarkingNTS0102GFAlways Pb-free11
NTS0102GU8SOT1309-1Reel 7" Q3/T4, ReverseActiveNTS0102GU8,125 (9352 960 86125)s2NTS0102GU8Always Pb-free11
NTS0102DPSOT505-2Reel 7" Q3/T4, ReverseActiveNTS0102DP,125 (9352 934 87125)s02NTS0102DPAlways Pb-free11
NTS0102GDSOT996-2Reel 7" Q3/T4, ReverseActiveNTS0102GD,125 (9352 934 88125)s02NTS0102GDAlways Pb-free11
NTS0102GTSOT833-1Reel 7" Q1/T1ActiveNTS0102GT,115 (9352 934 91115)Standard MarkingNTS0102GTAlways Pb-free11
Dual supply translating transceiver; open drain; auto direction sensing NTS0102
Dual supply translating transceiver; open drain; auto direction sensing NTS0102_Q100
Dual supply translating transceiver; open drain; auto direction sensing NTS0102
Application guide: Flat-panel TV sets mmbz33vcl
Application guide; Portable devices and mobile handsets pesd24vs1ul
Voltage translation: How to manage mixed-voltage designs with NXP® level translators 74AVC16245DGG-Q100
電圧レベルシフタ 74AVC16245DGG-Q100
MicroPak soldering information NTS0102_Q100
MAR_SOT1089 Topmark pca9306
MAR_SOT833 Topmark NCX2222
nts0102 IBIS model NTS0102GU8
extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals pca9306
XSON8; Reel pack; SMD, 7" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,115 or X Ordering... pca9306
plastic, extremely thin quad flat package; no leads; 10 terminals NX5L2750CGU
Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115 NX5L2750CGU
plastic, extremely thin quad flat package; no leads pca9570
plastic thin shrink small outline package; 8 leads; body width 3 mm; lead length 0.5 mm 74LVC3G17_Q100
TSSOP8: Reel pack, reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... 74LVC3G17_Q100
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 1 x 1.95 x 0.5 mm NCX2222
Standard product orientation 12NC ending 115 NCX2222
plastic extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 8 terminals; body 3 x 2 x 0.5 mm 74AHC_T_3G14_Q100
XSON8(U); Reel pack, Reverse; SMD, 7" Q3/T4 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,125 or... 74AHC_T_3G14_Q100