PCA9539BS: 带有中断和复位的16位I2C总线和SMBus低功率I/O端口

PCA9539、PCA9539R是24引脚CMOS器件,为I²C总线/SMBus应用提供带中断和复位的16位通用并行输入/输出(GPIO)扩展,是为增强NXP Semiconductors的I²C总线I/O扩展器系列而开发的。ACPI电源开关、传感器、按钮、LED、风扇等需要额外的I/O时,I/O扩展器提供简易的解决方案。




上电复位会将寄存器设为其默认值并初始化器件状态机。在PCA9539中,1引脚会引发相同的复位/默认I/O输入配置而无需使器件断电,保持寄存器和I²C总线状态机为其默认状态直至1输入再次变为高电平。此输入需要上拉至VDD。但是,在PCA9539R中,1引脚只能初始化器件状态机而内部通用寄存器保持不变。使用PCA9539R 1引脚只会在I²C总线接口卡在低电平时对其进行复位以重新访问I²C总线。这允许I/O引脚保留其最后配置的状态,使其能在I²C总线恢复时将任意线路保持在其先前定义状态中且不会引起系统错误。


PCA9539BS: 产品结构框图
Outline 3d SOT616-1
数据手册 (1)
名称/描述Modified Date
16-bit I2C-bus and SMBus low power I/O port with interrupt and reset (REV 8.0) PDF (491.0 kB) PCA9539_PCA9539R [English]26 Nov 2014
应用说明 (4)
名称/描述Modified Date
Driving stepper motors using NXP® I2C-bus GPIO expanders (REV 2.0) PDF (275.0 kB) AN10814 [English]24 Oct 2011
PCA9500/PCA9501 provides simple card maintenance and control using I²C-bus (REV 1.0) PDF (90.0 kB) AN256 [English]23 Mar 2009
Level shifting techniques in I2C-bus design (REV 1.0) PDF (52.0 kB) AN10441 [English]20 Jun 2007
I2C/SMBus general purpose I/O expanders (REV 2.0) PDF (294.0 kB) AN469 [English]20 Jan 2005
用户指南 (4)
名称/描述Modified Date
I2C-bus specification and user manual (REV 6.0) PDF (1.4 MB) UM10204 [English]28 Apr 2014
I2C-bus specification and user manual (REV 5.0) PDF (1.6 MB) UM10204_JA [English]03 Apr 2013
PCA9698 demonstration board OM6281 (REV 1.0) PDF (558.0 kB) UM10267 [English]26 Sep 2008
I2C Demonstration Board 2005-1 Quick Start Guide (REV 1.0) PDF (261.0 kB) UM10206 [English]13 Jun 2006
手册 (3)
名称/描述Modified Date
NXP® I2C-bus solutions 2014: Smart, simple solutions for the 12 most common design concerns (REV 1.0) PDF (3.5 MB) 75017540 [English]01 Aug 2014
Versatile, easy-to-use GPIO expanders; NXP® 4/8/16-bit I2C/SMBus GPIO expanders PCA9536/54/54A/55 (REV 1.0) PDF (319.0 kB) 75016535 [English]01 Aug 2008
Create smarter, more efficient white goods; An industry-leading portfolio of cost-effective, power-saving solutions for... (REV 1.0) PDF (1.1 MB) 75016543 [English]01 Jun 2008
封装信息 (1)
名称/描述Modified Date
plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; no leads; 24 terminals; body 4 x 4 x 0.85 mm (REV 1.0) PDF (202.0 kB) SOT616-1 [English]08 Feb 2016
包装 (3)
名称/描述Modified Date
HVQFN24; Reel pack; SMD, 13", Q2/T3 Turned product orientation Orderable part number ending ,128 or HP Ordering code... (REV 1.0) PDF (185.0 kB) SOT616-1_128 [English]16 Jul 2014
HVQFN24; reel pack; standard product orientation; 12NC ending 118 (REV 1.0) PDF (196.0 kB) SOT616-1_118 [English]16 Jan 2014
HVQFN24; Reel pack; SMD, 7" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,115 or... (REV 1.0) PDF (203.0 kB) SOT616-1_115 [English]23 Apr 2013
型号状态No of bitsVDD [min] (V)VDD [max] (V)Over volt tolerantNo of suppliesStandby current [typ] (µA)Max Sink Current per bit (mA)Max Sink Current, per package (mA)Source Current per bit (mA)Interrupt output pinReset input pinOutput modeInput mode: invert optionInternal pull-up resistor per bit (kOhm)I2C-bus (kHz)Footprint body and leads (mm2)Package namePackage versionOperating Temperature (Cel)No of AddressesRemark
PCA9539BSActive162.35.5Y10.252520010YYTotem poleY40016.81HVQFN24SOT616-1-40~854
产品编号封装说明Outline Version回流/波峰焊接包装产品状态部件编号订购码 (12NC)Marking化学成分RoHS / 无铅 / RHF无铅转换日期EFRIFR(FIT)MTBF(小时)MSLMSL LF
PCA9539BSSOT616-1Reel 7" Q1/T1ActivePCA9539BS,115 (9352 772 96115)9539PCA9539BSAlways Pb-free0.02.05E811
Reel 13" Q2/T3ActivePCA9539BSHP (9352 772 96128)9539PCA9539BSAlways Pb-free0.02.05E811
Reel 13" Q1/T1ActivePCA9539BS,118 (9352 772 96118)9539PCA9539BSAlways Pb-free0.02.05E811
16-bit I2C-bus and SMBus low power I/O port with interrupt and reset pca9539_pca9539r
Versatile, easy-to-use GPIO expanders; NXP® 4/8/16-bit I2C/SMBus GPIO expanders PCA9536/54/54A/55 pcf8570p
Create smarter, more efficient white goods; An industry-leading portfolio of cost-effective, power-saving solutions for... PMEG6010CE_AUTOMOTIVE
NXP® I2C-bus solutions 2014: Smart, simple solutions for the 12 most common design concerns pca9685pw
Level shifting techniques in I2C-bus design pca9685pw
Driving stepper motors using NXP® I2C-bus GPIO expanders pca9698
PCA9500/PCA9501 provides simple card maintenance and control using I²C-bus PCA9553
I2C/SMBus general purpose I/O expanders pcf8575ts
PCA9539 IBIS model PCA9539PW
plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; no leads; 24 terminals; body 4 x 4 x 0.85 mm TFF1007HN
HVQFN24; Reel pack; SMD, 7" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,115 or... TFF1007HN
HVQFN24; reel pack; standard product orientation; 12NC ending 118 TFF1007HN
HVQFN24; Reel pack; SMD, 13", Q2/T3 Turned product orientation Orderable part number ending ,128 or HP Ordering code... pca9548a
I2C-bus specification and user manual pca9685pw
I2C-bus specification and user manual pca9685pw
I2C Demonstration Board 2005-1 Quick Start Guide pca9685pw
PCA9698 demonstration board OM6281 PCA9553