PREV601M:Board implements a PR601 including antenna for 13.56Mhz reader applications.
The board PREV601M implements a PR601 including matched antenna for 13.56 MHz.
Power supply by single battery. Debugging and downloading of code is performed by separate LPC-Link board (LPC3154 or similar).
Software development is based on the same IDE that is used for the LPCXpresso, the low-cost development platform available from NXP. The board PREV601M allows the evaluation of the NXP PR601 which combines a LPC1227 microcontroller and a CLRC663 High Performance NFC reader IC in a single package.
User code can be downloaded by means of a LPC-Link board (LPC3154 or similar)
特性- Full development environment of LPCXpresso™
- Simple to understand software based on NXP Reader Library incl examples for fast development supporting integrated LPC1227: polling loop and MIFARE Ultralight, MIFARE classic, MIFARE DESFire EV1
- 13,56 MHz Antenna implemented on board, possibility to attach external antenna
- GPIO’s, I²C interface, and relay connection available on board
简介Benefits | 产品图片

档案名称 | 标题 | 类型 | 格式 | 日期 |
AN11281 | Quick Start Up Guide PREV601 Demo Board | Application note | pdf | 2013-11-12 |
AN11367 | How to build a NFC Application on Android | Application note | pdf | 2013-06-19 |
314220 | Schematics and BOM for PREV601M | Other type | zip | 2014-11-17 |
249611 | PREV601 MIFARE Ultralight Project | Software | zip | 2013-01-17 |
249711 | PREV601 Polling Project | Software | zip | 2013-01-17 |
249411 | PREV601 MIFARE Classic Project | Software | zip | 2013-01-17 |
249511 | PREV601 MIFARE DESFire Project | Software | zip | 2013-01-17 |
270310 | PREV601 Peer to Peer Snep Client project | Software | zip | 2013-06-18 |
UM10721 | NXP Reader Library Peer to Peer User Manual based on CLRC663 and PN512 Blueboard Reader projects | User manual | pdf | 2013-07-24 |
型号 | 订购码 (12NC) | 可订购的器件编号 | 产品状态 |
PREV601M/01 | 9353 005 38699 | PREV601M/01M | Active |
型号 | 描述 | 产品状态 |
PR601HL | High performance NFC integrated reader solution | Production |