MC10E137: ECL 8-Bit Ripple Counter

The MC10E/100E137 is a very high speed binary ripple counter. The two least significant bits were designed with very fast edge rates while the more significant bits maintain standard ECLinPS output edge rates. This allows the counter to operate at very high frequencies while maintaining a moderate power dissipation level.The device is ideally suited for multiple frequency clock generation as well as a counter in a high performance ATE time measurement board. Both asynchronous and synchronous enables are available to maximize the device's flexibility for various applications. The asynchronous enable input, A_Start, when asserted enables the counter while overriding any synchronous enable signals. The E137 features XORed enable inputs, EN1 and EN2, which are synchronous to the CLK input. When only one synchronous enable is asserted the counter becomes disabled on the next CLK transition; all outputs remain in the previous state poised for the other synchronous enable or A_Start to be asserted to re-enable the counter. Asserting both synchronous enables causes the counter to become enabled on the next transition of the CLK. If EN1 (or EN2) and CLK edges are coincident, sufficient delay has been inserted in the CLK path (to compensate for the XOR gate delay and the internal D-flip flop setup time) to insure that the synchronous enable signal is clocked correctly, hence, the counter is disabled. The E137 can also be driven single-endedly utilizing the VBB output supply as the voltage reference for the CLK input signal. If a single-ended signal is to be used the VBB pin should be connected to the CLKbar input and MR bypassed to ground via a 0.01 uF capacitor. VBB can only source/sink 0.5mA, therefore it should be used as a switching reference for the E137 only. All input pins left open will be pulled LOW via an input pulldown resistor. Therefore, do not leave the differential CLK inputs open. Doing so causes the current source transisto

  • Differential Clock Input and Data Output Pins
  • VBB Output for Single-Ended Use
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Enable Pins
  • Asynchronous Master Reset
  • PECL Mode Operating Range: VCC = 4.2 V to 5.7 V with VEE = 0 V
  • NECL Mode Operating Range: VCC = 0 V with VEE = -4.2 V to -5.7 V
  • Internal Input Pulldown Resistors
  • ESD Protection: > 2 KV HBM, > 100 V MM
  • Meets or Exceeds JEDEC Spec EIA/JESD78 IC Latchup Test
  • Moisture Sensitivity Level 1For Additional Information, see Application Note AND8003/D
  • Flammability Rating: UL-94 code V-0 @ 1/8", Oxygen Index 28 to 34
  • Transistor Count = 330 devices
  • Pb-Free Packages are Available
应用注释 (17)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
AC Characteristics of ECL DevicesAND8090/D (896.0kB)1
Clock Generation and Clock and Data Marking and Ordering Information GuideAND8002/D (71kB)12
Clock Management Design Using Low Skew and Low Jitter DevicesTND301/D (205.0kB)0
Designing with PECL (ECL at +5.0 V)AN1406/D (105.0kB)2
ECL Clock Distribution TechniquesAN1405/D (54.0kB)1
ECLinPS and ECLinPS Lite SPICE I/O Modeling KitAN1503/D (120.0kB)6
ECLinPS™ Circuit Performance at Non-Standard VIH LevelsAN1404/D (51.0kB)1
Interfacing Between LVDS and ECLAN1568/D (121.0kB)11
Interfacing with ECLinPSAND8066/D (72kB)3
Metastability and the ECLinPS FamilyAN1504/D (103.0kB)3
Odd Number Divide By Counters with 50% Outputs and Synchronous ClocksAND8001/D (90.0kB)0
Phase Lock Loop General OperationsAND8040/D (64.0kB)3
Storage and Handling of Drypack Surface Mount DeviceAND8003/D (49kB)2Mar, 2016
Termination of ECL Logic DevicesAND8020/D (176.0kB)6
The ECL Translator GuideAN1672/D (142.0kB)12
Thermal Analysis and Reliability of WIRE BONDED ECLAND8072/D (119.0kB)5
Using Wire-OR Ties in ECLInPS™ DesignsAN1650/D (1130.0kB)3
数据表 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
5 V ECL 8-Bit Ripple CounterMC10E137/D (166kB)9Jul, 2016
仿真模型 (1)
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IBIS Model for MC10E137FNMC10E137FN.IBS (15.0kB)
封装图纸 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevision
28 LEAD PLCC776-02 (67.7kB)F
产品状况Compliance封装MSL*容器预算价格 (1千个数量的单价)
MC10E137FNGActivePb-free Halide freePLCC-28776-023Tube37联系BDTIC
ProductTypeInput LevelOutput LevelVCC Typ (V)fMax Typ (MHz)tpd Typ (ns)tR & tF Max (ps)
5 V ECL 8-Bit Ripple Counter (166kB) MC10E137
ECLinPS™ Circuit Performance at Non-Standard VIH Levels MC10E195
ECL Clock Distribution Techniques NB100LVEP91
Designing with PECL (ECL at +5.0 V) NB100LVEP91
ECLinPS and ECLinPS Lite SPICE I/O Modeling Kit MC100EP91
Metastability and the ECLinPS Family MC10EPT20
Interfacing Between LVDS and ECL NB100ELT23L
Using Wire-OR Ties in ECLInPS™ Designs MC10H351
The ECL Translator Guide NB100LVEP91
Odd Number Divide By Counters with 50% Outputs and Synchronous Clocks NUP4201
Clock Generation and Clock and Data Marking and Ordering Information Guide NB100LVEP91
Storage and Handling of Drypack Surface Mount Device NB3U23C
Termination of ECL Logic Devices NB100LVEP91
Phase Lock Loop General Operations MC10H604
Interfacing with ECLinPS NB100LVEP91
Thermal Analysis and Reliability of WIRE BONDED ECL NB100LVEP91
AC Characteristics of ECL Devices NB100LVEP91
IBIS Model for MC10E137FN MC10E137
Clock Management Design Using Low Skew and Low Jitter Devices MC10H604