MC10EP08: 3.3 V / 5.0 V Differential 2-Input XOR/XNOR Gate

The MC10EP08 is a differential XOR/XNOR gate. The EP08 is ideal for applications requiring the fastest AC performance available.The 100 Series contains temperature compensation.

  • 250 ps Typical Propagation Delay
  • Maximum Frequency > 3 Ghz Typical
  • PECL Mode Operating Range: VCC= 3.0 V to 5.5 V with VEE= 0 V
  • NECL Mode Operating Range:VCC= 0 V with VEE= -3.0 V to -5.5 V
  • Open Input Default State
  • Safety Clamp on Inputs
  • Q Output Will Default LOW with Inputs Open or at VEE
应用注释 (11)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
AC Characteristics of ECL DevicesAND8090/D (896.0kB)1
Clock Generation and Clock and Data Marking and Ordering Information GuideAND8002/D (71kB)12
Designing with PECL (ECL at +5.0 V)AN1406/D (105.0kB)2
ECL Clock Distribution TechniquesAN1405/D (54.0kB)1
ECLinPS Plus™ Spice Modeling KitAND8009/D (343.0kB)11
Interfacing Between LVDS and ECLAN1568/D (121.0kB)11
Interfacing with ECLinPSAND8066/D (72kB)3
Metastability and the ECLinPS FamilyAN1504/D (103.0kB)3
Odd Number Divide By Counters with 50% Outputs and Synchronous ClocksAND8001/D (90.0kB)0
Termination of ECL Logic DevicesAND8020/D (176.0kB)6
The ECL Translator GuideAN1672/D (142.0kB)12
数据表 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
3.3 V / 5 V Differential 2-Input XOR/XNORMC10EP08/D (172kB)7Aug, 2016
仿真模型 (4)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
IBIS Model for mc10ep08d -3.3VMC10EP08D_-33.IBS (5.0kB)1
IBIS Model for mc10ep08d -5.0VMC10EP08D_-50.IBS (6.0kB)1
IBIS Model for mc10ep08d 3.3VMC10EP08D_33.IBS (6.0kB)1
IBIS Model for mc10ep08d 5.0VMC10EP08D_50.IBS (5.0kB)1
封装图纸 (2)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevision
SOIC-8 Narrow Body751-07 (62.6kB)AK
TSSOP 8 3.0x3.0x0.95 mm948R-02 (77.3kB)A
产品状况Compliance封装MSL*容器预算价格 (1千个数量的单价)
MC10EP08DGActivePb-free Halide freeSOIC-8751-071Tube98联系BDTIC
MC10EP08DR2GActivePb-free Halide freeSOIC-8751-071Tape and Reel2500联系BDTIC
MC10EP08DTGActivePb-free Halide freeTSSOP-8948R-023Tube100联系BDTIC
MC10EP08DTR2GLifetimePb-free Halide freeTSSOP-8948R-023Tape and Reel2500
ProductTypeChannelsInput LevelOutput LevelVCC Typ (V)fToggle Max (MHz)tpd Typ (ns)tJitter Typ (ps)tR & tF Max (ps)
MC10EP08DGXOR/XNOR1ECL CMLECL5 3.330000.250.2170
MC10EP08DR2GXOR/XNOR1ECL CMLECL3.3 530000.250.2170
MC10EP08DTGXOR/XNOR1ECL CMLECL3.3 530000.250.2170
3.3 V / 5 V Differential 2-Input XOR/XNOR (172kB) MC10EP08
SOIC-8 Narrow Body CM1216
TSSOP 8 3.0x3.0x0.95 mm NB100ELT23L
ECL Clock Distribution Techniques NB100LVEP91
Designing with PECL (ECL at +5.0 V) NB100LVEP91
Metastability and the ECLinPS Family MC10EPT20
Interfacing Between LVDS and ECL NB100ELT23L
The ECL Translator Guide NB100LVEP91
Odd Number Divide By Counters with 50% Outputs and Synchronous Clocks NUP4201
Clock Generation and Clock and Data Marking and Ordering Information Guide NB100LVEP91
ECLinPS Plus™ Spice Modeling Kit MC10EPT20
Termination of ECL Logic Devices NB100LVEP91
Interfacing with ECLinPS NB100LVEP91
AC Characteristics of ECL Devices NB100LVEP91
IBIS Model for mc10ep08d -3.3V MC10EP08
IBIS Model for mc10ep08d -5.0V MC10EP08
IBIS Model for mc10ep08d 3.3V MC10EP08
IBIS Model for mc10ep08d 5.0V MC10EP08