CC1000 评估板参考设计CC1000EB_REFDES


The CC1000EB reference design contains schematics and layout files for the CC1000EB. The CC1000EB, connected to a PC running the SmartRF® Studio software, can be used to change and test various CC1000 system parameters. This board is designed with great flexibility so that you can evaluate the circuit performance for several circuit configurations in development of your own applications. The design contains two different partlists for operation in either the 433 MHz or 868 MHz frequency band. This 2-layer design contains three different RF sections with different level of filtering. All are designed for a single ended 50 ohm antenna using an SMA antenna connector.

CC1000EB_REFDES 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器个人局域网选型与价格 . xls
CC1000EB_REFDES 相关产品
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