StellarisWare® USB 库独立包  SW-GRL


The Stellaris Graphics Library is a royalty-free set of graphics primitives and a widget set for creating graphical user interfaces on Stellaris microcontroller-based boards that have a graphical display.


The graphical library consists of three building layers of functionality: the display driver layer, specific to the display in use; the graphics primitives layer, which draws points, lines, rectangles, circles, fonts, bitmap images, and text, either in the active display buffer or in an off-screen buffer for flicker-free operation; and the widget layer, which provides checkboxes, push buttons, radio buttons, sliders, list boxes, and a generic encapsulation of one or more graphics primitives to draw a user interface element on the display, along with the ability to provide application-defined responses to user interaction with the widget element.

To ensure that the software is easy to understand and maintain, the Stellaris Graphics Library is written entirely in C except where absolutely not possible. Even written in C, the library is reasonably efficient in terms of memory and processor usage due to the compact nature of the Cortex-M3 Thumb2 instruction set.