StellarisWare® USB 库独立包  SW-USBL


Stellaris microcontrollers with USB functionality have all passed USB Device and USB Embedded Host compliance testing. The Stellaris USB Library is a royalty-free set of data types and functions for creating USB device, host, or On-the-Go (OTG) applications for Stellaris microcontroller-based systems.


Several programming interfaces are provided, ranging from the thinnest layer, which merely abstracts theunderlying USB controller hardware, to high-level interfaces offering simple APIs supporting specific devices. The contents of the USB library and its associated header files fall into four main groups:

USB device examples provided include HID keyboard, HID mouse, CDC serial, and generic bulk.

USB host examples provided include mass storage (USB flash stick), HID keyboard, and HID mouse.

In addition, the Stellaris USB library provides a Windows™-based INF for the supported USB classes in a precompiled DLL that saves development time.