TPA5051 评估模块 | TPA5051EVM |
名称 | TPA5051EVM Evaluation Module |
状态 | ACTIVE |
价格(US$) | $49.00 |
The TPA5051 evaluation module (EVM) consists of a single TPA5051 audio delay device, along with other external components mounted on a printed-circuit board (PCB) that can be used to independently delay two digital audio streams. Each digital audio stream consists of a left and right channel, both of which can be delayed up to 4095 samples (with a 48 kHz sampling rate, that equates to more than 85 ms of delay).
The TPA5051EVM is designed to work seamlessly with the TI Input USB board, but can function as a stand-alone board for pass-through testing in any system. All that is required is an I²S audio source, an I²C controller, and a 5 V supply.
The TPA5051EVM also includes an onboard digital-to-analog controller (DAC), the PCM1606, which can convert I²S or left-justified data to an analog out. The analog out is filtered on the board and can be viewed with a scope probe.
器件型号 | 名称 | 产品系列 |
TPA5050 | 具有 I2C 控制的立体声数字音频延迟处理器 | 数字音频接口 |
TPA5051 | 数字音频延迟 IC | 数字音频接口 |
TPA5052 | 具有 I2C 控制的立体声音频数字唇型同步延迟 | 数字音频接口 |