TUSB3210KBDPDK TUSB3210 键盘产品开发套件


The TUSB3210KBDPDK can be used to evaluate the TUSB3210 in a keyboard application. For evaluation of the TUSB3210 as a general purpose USB micro-controller (MCU), please see the TUSB3210GENPDK. The user is expected to be familiar with 8052 MCU architecture and programming, as well as USB certification requirements. For more information on Universal Serial Bus and certification, logo, and testing requirements, see www.usb.org.

The TUSB2136/3210 Firmware Debugging Guide is a general instruction guide on how to debug user-developed firmware using the TUSB3210's native 8052 debug port.

The TUSB2136/3210/5052 USB Firmware Architecture 8052 Embedded USB Micro-Controller document discusses the firmware architecture of the TUSB3210.

Additional items needed for EVM use include a USB Montioring Utility and a USB enabled Host computer

TUSB3210KBDPDK 兼容性问题

This kit assumes that the human interface device (HID) class drivers native to all major operating systems will be utilized. If the HID class driver (or other native class driver) is not satisfactory, the user will be required to develop their own driver.

TUSB3210KBDPDK 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器USB选型与价格 . xls
器件型号 名称 产品系列
TUSB2136 具有通用 8052 微控制器的通用串行总线复合集线器 USB