HMC954LC4B 28 Gbps 1:4 Demux SMT with Programmable Output Voltage

The HMC954LC4B is a 2 to 1 Multiplexer designed for 32 Gbps data serialization. The mux latches the two differential inputs on a rising edge of the input clock. The device uses both rising and falling edges of the half-rate clock to serialize the data. The HMC954LC4B also features an output level control pin, VR, which allows for loss compensation or for signal-level optimization. All differential inputs to the HMC954LC4B are CML and terminated on-chip with 50 Ohms to the positive supply, GND, and may be AC or DC coupled. The differential CML outputs are source terminated to 50 Ohms and may also be AC or DC coupled. Outputs can be connected directly to a 50 Ohm ground-terminated system or drive devices with CML logic input. The HMC954LC4B operates from a single -3.3 V supply and is available in a ceramic ROHS-compliant 4 x 4 mm SMT package.

  • Supports Data Rates up to 32 Gbps
  • 479 mW Power Consumption
  • -3.3 V or +3.3 V Operation
  • Supports Single-Ended and
        Differential Operation
  • 24 Lead Ceramic 4 x 4 mm
        SMT Package: 16 mm²
订购信息 Ordering Information
  • HMC954LC4B
  • SONET OC-192
  • Broadband Test &
        Measurement Equipment
  • FPGA Interfacing Circuitry
  • 16 G and 32 G Fiber Channel
  • 100 Gbit Ethernet
Clock Rate (Gbps/GHz)
Function Rise/Fall Time
Diff. Output Swing (Vp-p) DC Power Consumption (mW) DC Power Supply (Vdc) Package
32 / 16 2:1 Mux w/ Programmable Output Voltage 15 / 15 1.28 479 -3.3 LC4B
功能框图 Functional Block Diagram

HMC954LC4B 功能框图

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HMC954LC4B 数据资料DataSheet下载:pdf Rev.V2 2 页