M/A-COM’s standard limiter 2690 is a line of completely passive solid state receiver protectors. They exhibit octave and multi-octave performance using a unique construction technique involving PIN diodes in broadband microstrip circuits. Careful diode selection allows a variety of device performance, trading off peak and average power handling, spike leakage and recovery time. Typical insertion loss and VSWR curves are shown below.
技术特性 Features
订购型号2690-1001 2690-1003 2690-1005 2690-1007 2690-1009 2690-1011 2690-1013 2690-1014 2690-1015 |
应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载 | 版本信息 | 大小 |
2690 数据资料DataSheet下载.pdf | Rev.V2 | 2 页 |