CF001-01-BD-000V GaAs MESFET Transistor
Mimix CF001-01 GaAs-based transistor is a 300 um gate width, sub-half-micron gate length GaAs device with Silicon Nitride passivation. The CF001-01 provides high gain up to 26 GHz. It is suitable for general purpose and driver amplifier applications with up to +21 dBm power from a single FET. This device can also be used in oscillator applications. The CF001-01 is available in chip form and is suitable for airborne, shipboard and ground-based equipment. The devices are 100% DC tested and every wafer is qualified based on sample RF and reliability testing. Screening includes MIL-STD-750 Class B, Class S and commercial screening. These devices are also available in packaged form. Please consult the CFB0101-B, CFA0101-A datasheets or contact the factory for further information.
技术特性 Features
- High Gain: Usable to 44 GHz
- P1dB Power: 21 dBm
- Wfer Qualification Procedure
- Customer Wafer Selection Available
订购信息 Ordering Information
- CF001-01-000X Where “X” is RoHS compliant die packed in “V” - vacuum release gel packs or W” - waffle trays
- CF001-01-BD-000V