CSM5T17 Wide Band Termination Insensitive Mixer

The CSM5T17 is a termination insensitive mixer, designed for use in military, wireless, and test equipment applications. The design utilizes Schottky bridge quad diodes, broadband ferrite baluns and internal loads to provide excellent performance without degradation due to external VSWR mismatches. The use of high temperature solder and welded assembly processes used internally makes it ideal for use in semi-automated and automated assembly. Environmental screening available to MIL-STD-883, MILSTD- 202, or MIL-DTL-28837, consult factory.

技术特性 Features
  • LO 50 TO 4800 MHz
  • RF 50 TO 4800 MHz
  • IF 50 TO 3000 MHz
  • LO DRIVE +17 dBm (NOMINAL)
订购信息 Ordering Information
  • CSM5T17 Surface Mount
CSM5T17 产品实物图

CSM5T17 产品实物图

应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载 版本信息 大小
CSM5T17数据资料DataSheet下载:PDF Rev.V2 Rev. V3