M6E-50 Double-Balanced Mixer
The M6E-50 is a double balanced mixer, designed for use in military, commercial and test equipment applications. The design utilizes Schottky ring quad diodes and broadband ferrite baluns to attain excellent performance. This mixer can also be used as a phase detector and/or bi-phase modulator since the IF port is DC coupled to the diodes. Environmental screening available to MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-202, or MIL-DTL-28837, consult factory.
技术特性 Features
- LO 5 TO 500 MHz
- RF 5 TO 500 MHz
- IF DC TO 500 MHz
- LO DRIVE +7 dBm (nominal)
订购信息 Ordering Information
M6E-50 产品实物图