M87C Triple-Balanced Mixer
M87 is a triple balanced mixer, designed for use in military, commercial and test equipment applications. The design utilizes Schottky ring quad diodes and broadband soft dielectric baluns to attain excellent performance. The use of high temperature solder assembly processes used internally makes it ideal for use in manual, semi-automated assembly. Environmental screening available to MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-202 or MIL-DTL-28837, consult factory.
技术特性 Features
- LO 0.5 TO 19 GHz
- RF 0.5 TO 19 GHz
- IF 0.03 TO 5.0 GHz
- LO DRIVE +13 dBm (nominal)
M87C 产品实物图
订购信息 Ordering Information
- M87 Minpac
- M87C SMA Connectorized